Hello everyone,
Should I start reviving my blog after a long 4 years? I think I should, so I need to have ideas on what I should type in here. I'll probably just type all about my daily life, about where I go to, what I do every single day of my life, with pictures and all.
Let's start with what a little introduction on myself shall I? I am turning 22 already, quite old for someone who wants to revive her blog after 4 years! While, let's try shall we? I am currently still studying at SIM-RMIT, majoring in Business Management. Not looking forward to graduate not because school is fun, but I am not looking forward to the ceremony AT ALL! hahaha. Wearing that black robe with a square hat. While, the real reason shall be known in the future..
Hopefully my attempt on reviving my blog will succeed and I shall try my best to update! And putting nice pictures on my blog :)
Chao with love~!