Tuesday, July 31, 2007

i'm gonna shut-up. so people who i think i can tell my stuff to, you'll know soon. if not. ask me yourself.
what's the point of being so nice but in the end, i get nothing but quiet-ness. whatever ok.

Monday, July 23, 2007

i make v nice sentences. well, that's what i think. see.

i'm not a monster, i'm a robot. this one. must say in my language :D
the problem is, i don't have a best friend
thing thang thung
bing bang bong
tralala, wo ai ni, come on out and play with me :D sing it.
you never FUCKING care about me.

lala. ok wadever. badmood.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

you're making me piss, asshole.

i love you you love we are happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too.

i miss my primary school days, when everything was so innocent and pure.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

last night my sister taught me math. although the explanation is good. but some things. omg horrible. i was suppose to bring a bowl of soup down and go up in 5 seconds. WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY IMPOSSIBLE. cos it's soup and will spill. it's not like the bowl is empty. i reached up at her room in about 30 seconds later. guess wad? she made me pump 20 times. and not only that. squats 10 times. madness. if i don't do the punishment, she won't teach me. lame huh. and she gave me tons of homework. well, i'm glad i have my sister.

today. morning. assembly. animation thing thang thung! the instructor showed the same powerpoint that he showed to us last time. and our video was shown. well, it sure brought back some wonderful memories :D animation rocks! poa lesson. said the 1 2 3 thing again. greeted. then like that. next, recess then chinese? math then BASKETBALL! omg. so fun! v long never play already. well. didn't score any. i am lousy. i became v red like wad i was last time. IF ANY PEI HWA PEOPLE IS GONNA READ THIS! RMB HOW I LOOKED AFTER EVERY GAME ON SATURDAY? red, brown and wet. but i don't stink :D i miss basketball so much! SOMEONE PLAY WITH ME NOW! I HOPE IT WOULD BE YOU TO ASK ME PLAY. three pointer 2 times or was it one time? wa. hit the ring then bounce out. defended. and mr tan went. v good peishi v good. haha. until 224. then up to take english test. that english test. SO -.- the whole paper was comprehension. was too lazy to do the lst one. just used common sense to do it. blah. in the night, had some photo-shooting thing. wa so fun! except for the make-up part. slept next morning.

18 july
morning. had pe. HOCKEY! had a game. at first orange t-shirts+mr tan vs the others. LEADERS! hhaa :l then switched team after we scored 2. played and played i scored 1. haha! the only point for the other team. that means 2-1 :D heard from many other classes that there were injuries in their classes. BUT OURS DID NOT HAVE ANY. whoa. surprise surprise. was dripping sweat or water. cos the droplets dripping down NOT SALTY AT ALL. but i didn't pour water over my head of course. it was the natural thing. but it's just that it isn't salty. after that. WA PIANG EH. STOMACH PAIN. i assumed that there was pain cos i'm hungry -.- but the pain was, TERRIBLE! eek. had trouble standing up and sitting down. aiya, almost everything i do causes the pain. ahha. recess. blah then more lessons. slept and woke up. played with that guy's hair cos he played with mine. u ARE SO DEAD! westmall after school. ate. drew. felt V cold. see math. and home. :D i wanna sleep but i can't cos i'm not allowed to. ok byebye.

tralala, wo ai ni, come on out and play with me.

TO ANYONE! who wants to know my last words before i die, ask me :D i'll be glad to tell you. really.
and to you. the secret message to you is in my phone :D but you won't know where i put it. LOL.

this is quite a long post already huh. SO PEOPLE! I'VE UPDATED. start reading :D more people visit=more posts :D haha

Monday, July 09, 2007

WHY? into depression. ok not that bad. just moodless mood. yup. sorry guys. these few days uh. pardon me ok. sorry

Saturday, July 07, 2007

kayaking today. the morning was SO cold. cos it was raining. headed down to pasir ris. split into groups. the instructor for my group, charlene was. HOT. chio okk :D but too old. too bad. if not uh. hehe. ok JK. don't jealous uhh. haha. then swimming drills. then duno wad. AND CAPSIZE DRILL. omg. scary. i almost died. we were suppose to flip over the kayak then pat three times then come up. wa. water gush down the nose and ears and eyes. as what people said. btu didn't happen to me. I'M PRO :D started kayaking. WA ALOT OF RAFT UPS. and i can kayak v fast. not haolian la. but really v fast. was in a single kayak. cannot balance properly. ALMOST capsize alot of times. haha. after that. shore then debrief before that. brought back the kayaks. OMG HEAVY! oh ya! i forgot still got this rescue part. must lift yourself up to the kayak and move forward. wa the thighs v pain. those wearing fbts. haha :D cos the shorts will be pushed back quick alot so be careful people. trip back to school. blah. end of day. KAYAKING'S FUN! test tomorrow. i'm gonna pass it :l well maybe not.

i think you know it. but you're just acting that you don't.
i can't wait to fall in love, with you. you can't wait to fall in love, with me. this just can't be summer love.

PEOPLE TAKING THE KAYAKING TEST TOMORROW GOOD LUCK! and people going for the lesson soon. have fun! you're there to learn and have fun. so don't get into trouble. JUST BE DARING!
that girl's hot :D


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

WA! GLOBAL WARMING! i'm sweating like a stupid person. from my hair, forehead, back and even my eyebrows. wa very hot man! at least, my sweat. can be cleaned on someone :D haha. today went for qams. for no reason. haha. then to westmall with zijian bought her stuff walked back to interchange. saw xz then walked back to wm with her. then walked back to interchange again. haha. well. youth day thang tomorrow. good luck to those people performing! band etc. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. SAVE THE EARTH. if not. i'm gonna die due to loss of water. go people! save the Earth!

Monday, July 02, 2007

the trip to batam was, AWESOME! woke up at 7+. headed down to harbour front. got bfast at macdonalds. up to the boat on i forgot wad time. before that, at the terminal, while waiting. my sister and i took CRAZY photos. they look really -.- then reached batam. first pit stop. sea sports. while, we were the only family playing the parachute thing. so the rest had to wait for us. HAHAHA. at first. my sisters and my grandmother didn't wanna fly up. in the end we all did fly up. SHIOK-NESS ok. next stop. go kart :D my sister and i drove. with 2 indian people. WA THEY ARE FAST DRIVERS. they drove like super fast. i thought i was already going very fast. but they were going faster. stupid people. overtake me. haha :D then next lunch. after that to a polo store. i bought the windbreaker :D and shirts. then to a temple. then to a shopping mall. while. celine. i DID walk around to find your thing. BUT to no avail. cannot find. but i have a better idea on how u can present yourself muahaha. then boat back and home. UNTIL NOW I STILL CAN FEEL MY HEAD MOVING LIKE THE WAVES. up and down. suck. like spinning in a washing machine!

milk run.
was suppose to meet people at a coffee shop. but in the end i was late. met them in school. got sppointed to class, 2n2. omg. wa they make my blood boil. st john is bad enough, this class, is worse. then walked around clarke quay. we had 10 more minutes to complete like 2 km or so. i guess we were too honest to walk the whole thing. MOST PEOPLE TOOK SHORT-CUTS >:( haha. after that. we took the last bus back to school. before that we were chlling out outside a restaurant. i was making a fool out of myself. then soon, isabelle join me. then togeter. we walked around playing and joking. while, it's definetely a good thing. cos we make MANY people laugh and smile. rather than having them to give the -.- look. soon. they started to do wad i was doing. the leader thing. guess i'm quite influencial huh :D it was quite embarrasing doing all those things. especially in public. but who cares :D took alot of pictures. AND that person who loves nature ALOT. went round taking photos. and asked many people to take with her. except for me. so bad right. SHE WENT TO SO MANY PEOPLE BUT NOT ME. i have the evidence. YOU ARE SO DEAD MAN. haha.
frankly speaking, it's good to see people laughing at your jokes. even people whom i don't know laugh at me. I DUNO WHAT I DID TO MAKE THEM LAUGH. haha. i was being myself and not acting out "myself" like. you know.

au revior :D