i think my parents are millionaires!
today went for a it shopping spree. but first clothing.
went vivo city to wait for my sisters to finish tuition. my mother went into this shop called GAP. wa! the things expensive like WHOA! my mum chose pieces of long pants. one for me one for my big sister and one for her. the price tag. GUESS HOW MUCH? $89.90! for one. OMG. EXPENSIVE! siao. and bought 3.
then went to millenia walk. walked around. bought 2 ipod nanos. WA! the price was close to $500! maybe more. then went to harvey norman. bought a speaker. dno how much. then 2 mp3s! one for my ma and one for my sister. then walk and walk. THEN WE BOUGHT A LAPTOP. and adding on to insurance and stuff. wa. u should have seen the receipt. OMG. this is the first time i see my parents spending so much.
i cannot imagine how my mother shops. she goes to all those branded shops and places to buy. how much would it cost? hmm. AND ADDING ON TO THIS QUITE BIG HOUSE AND 2 CARS. wow. they're VERY RICH INDEED. i feel proud of myself :D BUT NOW I HAVE TROUBLE PUTTING SONGS INTO THE IPOD. I NOOB :( i finished those two mp3s already. put songs and blah.
sjab camp in 2 days. duno whether it'llbe a success or a failure. it'll most probably be a failure anyway -.-
still trying hard for the laptop stuff and now this computer is NOT WORKING PROPERLY. the internet server. OH PIECE OF SHIT.
whatever :D ta! wish me good luck with these electronic stuff. GOSH HAVE TO PUT SONGS FOR MY MA MY BOTH SISTERS AND THE LAPTOP. IT'LL TAKE A LONG TIME.
one question: DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS BETTER THAN ME? answer my question :D
quotes: learning without thought is labour, thought without learning is perilous :D
peishi :D
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