Friday, August 22, 2008
oh, happybirthdaytopeishi :D
in the morning, met doris at her voiddeck at 625. went to eat at the coffee shop at the interchange. damn full -.- then went to school oh ya, and doris gave me six stress ball. GIRL! DO I LOOK THAT STRESSED TO YOU? haha she said, if i hated someone, i can write their names on the ball and throw it around HAHA. then headed to school. had many wishes by many people. namely, er, i forgot. but celine, chris, elaine they all sang a "one-sentence" birthday song. HOR? haha. OH YA OH YA, dannya gave me a story book. should be inspiring, thanks senior :D then cheryl ho! SHE GAVE ME A BLACK BASKETBALL. omg. shocked!! nice mannn. thanks junior :) went back to class, had more wishes and handshakes. read daphne's storybook. interesting! while, was very bored after finish reading. then jiaxin called me out of class and gave me a letter and present. THANKS. to jiaxin and the other girl for passing the pesent and mavis for providing it? :D hehe. so recess, went with gang then zijian pulled me away from them and led me to the 4 TOPAZ people. haha. this time round it was special, instead of having a cream cake they always buy, it's a handmade brownie with a muffin in the middle. haha!! EFFORT BY THE F&N PEOPLE. haha. thanks for making me as the guinea pig :D well, turned out to be nice!! hopped around between the celebration and the canteen. mother tongue lesson. damn boring. i dropped coleen's psp. SORRY GIRL! HEHE. and after school went to sjab room. put everything down and went to basketball court to watch the guys play. a girl named rebecca called me. she said she needed to pass me something. HAHAH! ok yup, so soon, i met with her. the girl from cheerleading. OHHH. with mavis. she passed me a cake. was quite shocked! thanks mannn. seriously :D you've spent loads of time preparing huh. thanks! then went to westmall for maym, ate with celie, christine, elaine and winnie. ok, the food was, ~. haha. quite retarded there. we were playing a fool or rather i was playing a fool. they bought a blue dog and those baby thing. forgot what's that. HAHA. thanks :D headed back to school. still had the cake mavis gave. so celebrated again with the sjab people. haha. i thought it would be my lucky day and wouldn't get smashed with the cake. BUT IN THE END I GOT SMASHED. dumbass. dad called and say he would reach in 20 minutes. so went to deliver cake. HAHA. yup. i flew in the rain. nice :Danw, sorry for waking you up again :D while, dad came and fetch me home. and slacked? and slack more. ahah. while just a few more minutes till my birthday ends. HAHA!
people who wished and gave me presents :D
celine, you still owe me one. so YA. haha. although you've forgotten :D
bye old and young people :D STUDY HARD!
in the morning, met doris at her voiddeck at 625. went to eat at the coffee shop at the interchange. damn full -.- then went to school oh ya, and doris gave me six stress ball. GIRL! DO I LOOK THAT STRESSED TO YOU? haha she said, if i hated someone, i can write their names on the ball and throw it around HAHA. then headed to school. had many wishes by many people. namely, er, i forgot. but celine, chris, elaine they all sang a "one-sentence" birthday song. HOR? haha. OH YA OH YA, dannya gave me a story book. should be inspiring, thanks senior :D then cheryl ho! SHE GAVE ME A BLACK BASKETBALL. omg. shocked!! nice mannn. thanks junior :) went back to class, had more wishes and handshakes. read daphne's storybook. interesting! while, was very bored after finish reading. then jiaxin called me out of class and gave me a letter and present. THANKS. to jiaxin and the other girl for passing the pesent and mavis for providing it? :D hehe. so recess, went with gang then zijian pulled me away from them and led me to the 4 TOPAZ people. haha. this time round it was special, instead of having a cream cake they always buy, it's a handmade brownie with a muffin in the middle. haha!! EFFORT BY THE F&N PEOPLE. haha. thanks for making me as the guinea pig :D well, turned out to be nice!! hopped around between the celebration and the canteen. mother tongue lesson. damn boring. i dropped coleen's psp. SORRY GIRL! HEHE. and after school went to sjab room. put everything down and went to basketball court to watch the guys play. a girl named rebecca called me. she said she needed to pass me something. HAHAH! ok yup, so soon, i met with her. the girl from cheerleading. OHHH. with mavis. she passed me a cake. was quite shocked! thanks mannn. seriously :D you've spent loads of time preparing huh. thanks! then went to westmall for maym, ate with celie, christine, elaine and winnie. ok, the food was, ~. haha. quite retarded there. we were playing a fool or rather i was playing a fool. they bought a blue dog and those baby thing. forgot what's that. HAHA. thanks :D headed back to school. still had the cake mavis gave. so celebrated again with the sjab people. haha. i thought it would be my lucky day and wouldn't get smashed with the cake. BUT IN THE END I GOT SMASHED. dumbass. dad called and say he would reach in 20 minutes. so went to deliver cake. HAHA. yup. i flew in the rain. nice :Danw, sorry for waking you up again :D while, dad came and fetch me home. and slacked? and slack more. ahah. while just a few more minutes till my birthday ends. HAHA!
people who wished and gave me presents :D
celine, you still owe me one. so YA. haha. although you've forgotten :D
bye old and young people :D STUDY HARD!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
hmm. don't know what i did in my previous life.
is this really the "obstacle" i have to overcome now?
got told off again. DAMN IT.
the damn graduation thing. HEADACHE! haha. IRRITATING LIKE FUCK?! probably even worse than the China Trip one. because apparently that one was much easier. DUH? I DON'T CARE!
and so, i forgot what i wanted to type. but i do remember that i wanted to rant everything out from wo de xin! HAHA. oh, MY BIRTHDAY'S COMING. by treating myself, i might not come on that day so i can sleep HAHAHA.
while, still quite upset about the betrayal thing. F.
alright. chemistry mock test tmr. BYEBYE.
btw, we created a malay song. mixed with english of course. with the tune of a traditional malay song. i can't believe i created a phrase "nasi lemak briyani" HAHAHA. bye assholes :D
is this really the "obstacle" i have to overcome now?
got told off again. DAMN IT.
the damn graduation thing. HEADACHE! haha. IRRITATING LIKE FUCK?! probably even worse than the China Trip one. because apparently that one was much easier. DUH? I DON'T CARE!
and so, i forgot what i wanted to type. but i do remember that i wanted to rant everything out from wo de xin! HAHA. oh, MY BIRTHDAY'S COMING. by treating myself, i might not come on that day so i can sleep HAHAHA.
while, still quite upset about the betrayal thing. F.
alright. chemistry mock test tmr. BYEBYE.
btw, we created a malay song. mixed with english of course. with the tune of a traditional malay song. i can't believe i created a phrase "nasi lemak briyani" HAHAHA. bye assholes :D
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008

just realised this picture is nice :D HAHAHA. -.-
alright. so, school in the morning. what did i have? hmm....
OH RIGHT, ENGLISH. oral practise.
then CHINESE, paper doing.
MATH. god damn it was boring. because all we do are sums and sums and more sums. although it's for our own good. BUT IT'S BORING FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
POA. woohoo... HAD "TEST" while it wasn't really a test because everyone was talking and discussing the answers as well. EH BUT GUESS WAD. I PROVIDED ANSWERS. well not every one DUH? just mst of it. OMG PEOPLE! THERE'S AN EXTRA SMART PERSON TO ASK ABOUT POA. me! come on mannn HAHHAHA.
CHEMISTRY. did the experiment thing thang thong again..
after school, stayed back to do the class presentation. spent time looking for the dear MR LAI. was desperate enough to ask MDM LEOW about his whereabouts. HAHA. MDM LEOW IS SO NICE MANNN!!! people, mdm leow is not a mean machine. she's very nice. just that sometimes, she's frustrated because we do things that are not appealing to her. HAHA. so yup. so did the presentation thing. lilin and rowena did in the class while i finished up with the compositions. DAMN IT. hahah. so to macdonalds to complete the essay. homed to finish newspaper report. and off to tuition, yet again -.-
and now, i'm here HAHAHA. this sounds like a freaking diary -.-
going to collapse any soon...
you know. i just realised. WHEN YOU'RE CONFIDENT ABOUT YOURSELF WHEN DOING SOMETHING, YOU'LL ACTUALLY SUCCEED! so people, confidence is the key. be confident with what you're doing and you'll eventually succeed.
WORK HARD PEOPLE! 1 more week or so to prelims! and 67 days to O'LS. i'm so dead. -.-
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
to people who thinks i'm in love with enqi.
sorry to break your heart but I'M NOT.
oh my goodness. SO YA PEOPLE, I DON'T LIKE HER.
i'm in love, yes, but definitely not with tokenqi. -.- THAT'S SICK MANNN. eew?! haha.
YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO I'M IN LOVE WITH??? haha. don't tell you leh :D come ask me, i might tell you. MAYBE I WILL :D
ok ya. that's the purpose of blogging today. can't believe i wasted my time just to confirm this stupid thing. HAHA. bye peeps :D
sorry to break your heart but I'M NOT.
oh my goodness. SO YA PEOPLE, I DON'T LIKE HER.
i'm in love, yes, but definitely not with tokenqi. -.- THAT'S SICK MANNN. eew?! haha.
YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO I'M IN LOVE WITH??? haha. don't tell you leh :D come ask me, i might tell you. MAYBE I WILL :D
ok ya. that's the purpose of blogging today. can't believe i wasted my time just to confirm this stupid thing. HAHA. bye peeps :D
Friday, August 08, 2008
haha, toured singapore today.
morning had school national day celebration. wasn't as good as before. DUH? BECAUSE DON'T HAVE ME INSIDE WADD. haha. kidding. then after school, lunched with celine, christine, huldah, zijian and brenda in lot 1. then, was quite early to be home yet. so called everybody i know. finally, came to a concluson to go with the sjab people. they were at causeway, eating seoul garden. so i sat there with them. and cheryl ho made me grape float. IT'S NICE MANNN. thank you. then walked around to find something. to no avail though. then travelled back to lot 1. walked a little more. DON'T HAVE? then travelled to lavendar. damn it. my legs were killing me. so walked around the army market. round and round. finally. got it. then, too tired to carry on. so took a cab to deliever the magnificent gift. then home. FINALLY.
wth, pain can? but it's worth though.
well, celine tan, hoped you like the present :D
study hard.
bye :D
morning had school national day celebration. wasn't as good as before. DUH? BECAUSE DON'T HAVE ME INSIDE WADD. haha. kidding. then after school, lunched with celine, christine, huldah, zijian and brenda in lot 1. then, was quite early to be home yet. so called everybody i know. finally, came to a concluson to go with the sjab people. they were at causeway, eating seoul garden. so i sat there with them. and cheryl ho made me grape float. IT'S NICE MANNN. thank you. then walked around to find something. to no avail though. then travelled back to lot 1. walked a little more. DON'T HAVE? then travelled to lavendar. damn it. my legs were killing me. so walked around the army market. round and round. finally. got it. then, too tired to carry on. so took a cab to deliever the magnificent gift. then home. FINALLY.
wth, pain can? but it's worth though.
well, celine tan, hoped you like the present :D
study hard.
bye :D
Monday, August 04, 2008
two words, TODAY SUCKS.
got shoot by people.
in the morning, somebody.
while, they had to settle some scores because of some matter. then i broke a promise. i wasn't there for her. OH WELL, if you think i wasn't there. just carry on thinking that way. because in actual fact is that, when i reached there, all of you walked off already. what do you want me to do? aiya. felt guilty about it. like when you're suppose to be there and you're not. i'm sorry. although it wouldn't mean much. i guess over-protection and care are just worthless thoughts in my head. the thought of wanting peace ends up worse than a war. oh well. hell. and now, i have no idea what to do. i'm already to blame and i admit that i'm in the wrong. but i just can't do anything about it. ok so, lalala
in between the day.
GOT TOLD OFF FOR BEING BIASED. don't know what's wrong also. while,EVERY TIME NOW, at least once a day, i'll be accused of being biased. WHAT CAN I SAY? i don'tknow what i did. but. OH WELL.
after school, mr rani.
so 5 girls names were being recorded in the class diary last thrusday. i'm included. then mr rani wanted to find us. so found. then he talked. AND ALL HIS FUCKING ATTENTION WAS DIVERTING TO ME. it's more like getting blamed for making all those noise.starting all those conversations that are not supposed to be started. for having a loud noise but used in the wrong way. WHAT THE!? and he said many teachers complained about me. as if i'm the one creating nuisance in class. so now, every teacher in dunearn thinks that peishi's a fucking loser who disrupts classes. and teachers from our class even the "angel" complained about me. OH WHAT THE HELL, I'M A BAD STUDENT. i ought to get a personal diary huh? get your facts right first please. and he said we are nonsense. YA WHATEVER ALRIGHT? somehow i feel that i deserve all these. all the blame should be on me. it's ok.
well, after that, i shed. DUH!? haha elaine, you didn't see again
so many big blows in one day. the day when you have to swallow down every of your guts? when you have to bow down to something that you do not have to? when you get told off because of a broken promise? when you still have a give a fake smile even though you don't have to? when you're being treated like a dog, taking orders from people without even saying a thing or letting people know how i feel?
anw thanks to 4TOPAZ girls. coleen for lending me psp to distress. sabrina for breaking my finger. AND THE PEOPLE WHO MADE ME REALISED MY MISTAKES.
for the first time in secondary school life, i hate MJT. only for that moment. but then, soon, it's ok already. just hope that his moodswings doesn't affect his way of teaching.
OK PEOPLE, THIS IS WRITTEN OUT OF ANGER. the tears of hatred and anger is gone. so this, shall be gone too.
to somebody: i can't do what you advised me to do. because i just can't. choices have consequences. and if i make that choice, one word, DEAD.
whoa, i realised, when i am angry or have alot of things in my mind. i post damn long!! woohoo.
actually, since the afternoon, all was well, until a message came. SIGH! don't know what's happening in my life now. why must all these things happen now? maybe there're obstacles that i have to pass in order to move on. just like how my canvas is like. SO I AM GOING TO OVERCOME ALL THESE. and carry on with my life. one more thing. ANT INVASION!!!
there're like so many mini ants crawling around. yup. gross.
ok byebye. PEOPLE WHO ARE DOWN BETTER CHEER UP! because by being upset, you're just wasting your life away. LIFE IS HORT, appreciate every moment you have in your life. try to move away all your sorrows away and let joy and happiness in. LIFE WILL BE MORE ENJOYABLE. right!? :D
just one more thing to add. for some people who have no idea, why i wouldn't tell them which negative mood i am in? BECAUSE IT'LL DAMPEN THE SPIRITS. GET THAT? lets say if i tell one that i'm very sad because of some matter. that person might not be able to do anything right? so might as well just carry on with the current tone and everything? instead of spoiling everything. ONE PERSON GET HURT BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE GET HURT TOGETHER. right? i'd rather suffer in silence than let anyone else suffer together. because sometimes, it's not their fault that i'm suffering.
got shoot by people.
in the morning, somebody.
while, they had to settle some scores because of some matter. then i broke a promise. i wasn't there for her. OH WELL, if you think i wasn't there. just carry on thinking that way. because in actual fact is that, when i reached there, all of you walked off already. what do you want me to do? aiya. felt guilty about it. like when you're suppose to be there and you're not. i'm sorry. although it wouldn't mean much. i guess over-protection and care are just worthless thoughts in my head. the thought of wanting peace ends up worse than a war. oh well. hell. and now, i have no idea what to do. i'm already to blame and i admit that i'm in the wrong. but i just can't do anything about it. ok so, lalala
in between the day.
GOT TOLD OFF FOR BEING BIASED. don't know what's wrong also. while,EVERY TIME NOW, at least once a day, i'll be accused of being biased. WHAT CAN I SAY? i don'tknow what i did. but. OH WELL.
after school, mr rani.
so 5 girls names were being recorded in the class diary last thrusday. i'm included. then mr rani wanted to find us. so found. then he talked. AND ALL HIS FUCKING ATTENTION WAS DIVERTING TO ME. it's more like getting blamed for making all those noise.starting all those conversations that are not supposed to be started. for having a loud noise but used in the wrong way. WHAT THE!? and he said many teachers complained about me. as if i'm the one creating nuisance in class. so now, every teacher in dunearn thinks that peishi's a fucking loser who disrupts classes. and teachers from our class even the "angel" complained about me. OH WHAT THE HELL, I'M A BAD STUDENT. i ought to get a personal diary huh? get your facts right first please. and he said we are nonsense. YA WHATEVER ALRIGHT? somehow i feel that i deserve all these. all the blame should be on me. it's ok.
well, after that, i shed. DUH!? haha elaine, you didn't see again
so many big blows in one day. the day when you have to swallow down every of your guts? when you have to bow down to something that you do not have to? when you get told off because of a broken promise? when you still have a give a fake smile even though you don't have to? when you're being treated like a dog, taking orders from people without even saying a thing or letting people know how i feel?
anw thanks to 4TOPAZ girls. coleen for lending me psp to distress. sabrina for breaking my finger. AND THE PEOPLE WHO MADE ME REALISED MY MISTAKES.
for the first time in secondary school life, i hate MJT. only for that moment. but then, soon, it's ok already. just hope that his moodswings doesn't affect his way of teaching.
OK PEOPLE, THIS IS WRITTEN OUT OF ANGER. the tears of hatred and anger is gone. so this, shall be gone too.
to somebody: i can't do what you advised me to do. because i just can't. choices have consequences. and if i make that choice, one word, DEAD.
whoa, i realised, when i am angry or have alot of things in my mind. i post damn long!! woohoo.
actually, since the afternoon, all was well, until a message came. SIGH! don't know what's happening in my life now. why must all these things happen now? maybe there're obstacles that i have to pass in order to move on. just like how my canvas is like. SO I AM GOING TO OVERCOME ALL THESE. and carry on with my life. one more thing. ANT INVASION!!!
there're like so many mini ants crawling around. yup. gross.
ok byebye. PEOPLE WHO ARE DOWN BETTER CHEER UP! because by being upset, you're just wasting your life away. LIFE IS HORT, appreciate every moment you have in your life. try to move away all your sorrows away and let joy and happiness in. LIFE WILL BE MORE ENJOYABLE. right!? :D
just one more thing to add. for some people who have no idea, why i wouldn't tell them which negative mood i am in? BECAUSE IT'LL DAMPEN THE SPIRITS. GET THAT? lets say if i tell one that i'm very sad because of some matter. that person might not be able to do anything right? so might as well just carry on with the current tone and everything? instead of spoiling everything. ONE PERSON GET HURT BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE GET HURT TOGETHER. right? i'd rather suffer in silence than let anyone else suffer together. because sometimes, it's not their fault that i'm suffering.
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