Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

was blog-hopping and saw this on FOOLILIN'S blog.
Anw, saw Chioh Peishi while working! Lol. SO damn excited! Didn't see her for like SOOOO LONG! I think ever since that day when we pia-ed for our POA. I got all excited and went all the way to hug her. Well, if you know me well, you would be able to imagine my over excited look. Hahahha. So i was like PEISHIIII!!!! And that damn freaking colleague gave me a friend-only-must-like-that-meh look.Crap, i felt so ... dumb aft that. Come to think of it, i doubt i'll get that high when i see her on the streets. But it's like familiar face in your workplace of course will become like that one what. idiot.
STILL THE SAME OLD DUMB FOOLILIN :D going to meet up real real soon!
i woke up at 1215pm. SHIOK-NESS! been a very long time since i am able to sleep for a long time :D AMAZING! had thousand and one dreams during that long sleep. cannot imagine -.- woke up and watched two jackie chan shows. HAHA HILARIOUS. then the channel 8 one. CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SPENDING MY CHRISTMAS LIKE THAT. hehe. but fortunately, i didn't have to go to work! PHEW! and yes, i'm feeling VERY tired right now.
cousins and everybody came over yesterday. it was raining so didn't get to play soccer or basketball. WISH I CAN PLAY ON SATURDAY. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! so people were all over the house. some hooked to the computer, some to the television and the adults, the mahjong table. I WONDER WHY MY DAD STILL WON'T LET ME LEARN HOW TO PLAY LEH. hahah. so you're bound to win money if you play mahjong with me. was dead tired and dozed off almost immediately after i lied on my bed.
EH EH! I GOT MY PAYCHECK! oh, not from my daddy's company. but from my uncle's. it was for the few days i worked there. GUESS HOW MUCH I GOT. $102 and some coins. haha. obviously i didn't get to keep it. my mum took it away. WA LAO EH! my life's crap right? got own money but get taken away. SIGH! lol. it's ok. as long if i have delicious food for me :D
on the 23rd. worked in the day and met the PEOPLE in the evening. they were all so high! even with some simple card games. was very fun :D been very long since i met them. really very long leh :( hahaha. i can't join them for the countdown (as expected) so have fun guys :D
i'm so super de duper tied. and i don't know why. i've slept for half a day already! parents are home now. gooduhbye.
LASTLY, again, MERRY CHRISTMAS! wish all of you receive thousands and thousands of presents.!
bye <3
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

yes obviously, needless to say.
past 4 days was NCO course. obviously, it was tiring. for the cadets! haha. I'M NOT A CADET YO! I'M A HELPER! :D it was fun being one. but very very very busy and tiring being one. the first day kept shifting stuff upand down. the worst thing was, our bunks and logistic rooms and everything was on the 4th level! so had to go up to 4th flor and down again WHAT THE. really can die. and the venue was canberra secondary. they had this spiral staircase which leads us to the bunks and everything. so imagine running up and down for more than 20 times along that stairs. GIDDY MAN. after going up and down for a few times obviously. and the logistic head. WeiLiang. WAS SO FREAKING DEMANDING. so yeah lor. SIGH! then slept very very late. we had to cook green bean for supper. HAHA. in the end. the cadets had sugar water and uncooked green beans. OH WELL. TOO BAD. not enough time to cook. then slept so late. next day. woke up to cook milo. and prepare breakfast. and the pot we had to cook with was all metal. so obviously the whole pot would be HOT. after the milo was cooked. i took the cover away. ALL THE HOT STEAM GUSHED OUT THROUGH THE HOLE AND TO MY POOR FINGERS. and i didn't let go of the cover, because there'll be alot of commotion. HELD ON TO IT LOR! WHAT THE. i burnt my fingers! swollen n red. haha. and instead, i didn't give it immediate treatment. because had to do other things. no one knew. SAD RIGHT? like that lor. then the advance course went to pulau ubin for their topo. and the standard to macritchie. so from 10 to 12 THE HELPERS COULD SLEEP. so sleep lor. haa. woke up and started to chop wood for the campfire. I TELL YOU. IT'S NOT EASY AT ALL. they are all nailed to each other like glue! REALLY. CAN CUT FATS JUST BY DOING THAT. it's so hard! then the standar came back. served salt water to them. to replenish their water intake obviously. then i forgot what we did. as usual, slept very late again. aitya.
CUT SHORT LA. so lazy. the whole camp is really just about helping and helping. and using alot of energy. at times, i would want to join the cadets and recall what i did for the previous years when i'm in NCO course AS A CADET. from this camp, i found out that the officers, ARE NOT THAT SCARY AFTERALL. can talk to them as if we're friends. AHA. and i saw one mdm. when i was sec 1. in standard course. she was in advance course. so she took my group for her test. FROM THE TIME I SAW HER DURING SEC 1. i thought she was gorgeous. HAHAH. ok sorry :D until now still eh! really! SO LONG ALREADY. until now. she's an officer for zone 5. HAHH. cool man. haha. got one more. ALSO DAMN ZHEN4 know what that means? read it in chinese. the last ying. aiyo. woohooo..
I MISS MY FRIENDS LEH. celine elaine winnie and zijian went out today. i couldn't join them BECAUSE I WAS BROKE. what the. BROKE LEH!? oh well, too bad. hope i can meet them on saturday. please god, let me be allowed to. and on the 23rd as well! i want to meet with EVERYBODY I KNOW LEH! damn it. ok i feel so deprived now.
ok type more next time. i'm over-lazy now. see you soon!'
Saturday, December 06, 2008

in case you all don't know, i'm still in love with them :D
i know you all miss me right? HAHAH! well. life is kind of systematic now. wake up.wash up.go to work.lunch.go home. read some books/do tuition homework, sleep. OH MAN YO!!!! i'm forgotten by the world! they talked to each other AND EXCLUDED ME! I'M SO FREAKING, SAD. haha :) so. yup. past few weeks. was.. hmm. just. PROM. WORK. TUITION AND MORE WORK. oh yeah. one more. SJAB! haha. can't believe i actually agreed to go help at nco course -.- SICKENING. have to see all the officers faces again. WOO I'M SO EXCITED! (as if) so sickening. i didn't bring a camera to prom. SO NO PICTURES FROM ME YO!! go bloghop :)
my sister just came back from CHEEEEENA!! and she bought many many many many many (no la, actually only about 5) S.H.E STUFF FOR ME!!!!! yayness!! so exciting! 2 magazines. 2 REAL! their albums. and one guitar book! I'M GOING TO LEARN THE GUITAR (fyi) YES YES! I SHALL BE A PRO NEXT TIME :D (stupid)
I WANT TO PLAY BASKETBALL LEH!! so sickening. don't care. i'm going for off-days! anw, i'm like applying so much of my poa's knowledge in this job right now. and yes, i'm working at my dad's company. (dang) i write many payment vouchers :D and cheques!! and the most sickening job is to finish up some moron who didn't want to work anymore. IT'S SO BORING! the fun part is, i get to PACK FERTILISERS! it's not dirty. (actually is is) but who cares! it's fun! chi shuen and kian jiat are working here too! and we are so fast packing those fertilisers. too bad my parents won't allow me to do that job. "it's not a lady's job....too dirty...come in to help me....BLAH!" don't do dont do lor! AIYER!
someone LETS GO OUT ONE DAY! CCEHWZ!! MEET UP SOON! know who i'm talking about? AND THE NEW PI-Q2. LETS GO OUT! HAHAHA. and doris. and sabrina and EVERYBODY! LETS PARTY! (LIKE I CAN BODOH -.-) while. plan a day and we'll all go out together! oh ya. THE RENOVATION IN MY ROOM. GUESS HOW'S IT? IT'S DONE! IT'S BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED WITH S.H.E STUFFS :D haha. my sister's heysayjump looks so small beside S.H.E! so psyched to go home! THERE'RE SO MANY MAGAZINES IN CHINESE FOR ME TO READ. CHINESE YO! :(
(: i just realised, you guys have forgotten about me.
): i just realised, that i'm a freaking coward.
(: i just realised, how deeply i am in love with you.
): i just realised, every night i dream about you. (i'm serious)
(: i just realised, everything i ever want to talk about is you.