but they're very addictive I CAN'T HELP IT! lol :D once you start, you cannot stop!
hey people i'm back :D I KNOW YOU ALL MISS ME :D don't need to miss me already. i'm back :D hehe. gonna cut my hair :D so brb peeps..
ALRIGHT I'M BACK. and my hair sucks! seriously!!! it's horrible :( i'm so sad! forget it. yup, back to the trip. there's this main problem.
see there's 5 days for the whole trip. and my sister was responsible for packing the undergarments. so we needed like more than 10. (if this is uncomfortable, don't read it.) BUT SHE BROUGHT ONLY 10. wth. so we ran out of undergarments. and i depended on guess what? I BOUGHT BOXERS OK. lol. i bought 2. so i have boxers now! they're very comfortable to wear. so i'm going to buy more :D (maybe) yup :D i had to wear boxers for the last 2 days. lol.. show you guys someday.
wth, just now i was playing soccer. then i kicked on the road. I TORE MY MINI TOE'S SKIN. VERY PAIN! LIKE CRAZY. and blood just kept flowing out. ouch seriously. then i didn't kick anymore. and i played basketball :D i want to play basketball leh!! somebody!
i just received bad news. i'm being employed :( but i don't want to start work tmr. i want to start work on wednesday. because i have SJAB tmr. wa lao eh i'm going to BEG TO DIFFER! sad sad! work! WHY MUST WORK MAN... aiyer. work then i cannot go out and buy anything
maybe i'll just buy a bow tie and wear the same thing. maybe i won't change the blazer colour :D OR MAYBE! I'LL GET SOMEONE TO DO IT FOR ME! yeah. HELL YEAH! WHY AM I SO SMART?! omg. haha.. totally kidding. i'll see what i can do. maybe take leave! after all, IT'S PARTLY MY COMPANY! HAHAHA. one day, i'll be the CEO there. NO CAN'T I WANT TO BE FAMOUS! hahaha. omg i'm so sorry. i obviously forgot that i'm posting and i was just typing what my mind was speaking. haha. ok just bear with me :D yup.
there's an advantage for this haircut though. i won't have to wear a dress! because this haircut doesn't suit a dress. IT'S TOTALLY LIKE A KIDS KIND OF HAIR. wa lao eh I KNOW!! PUT HAIR EXTENTION! hahaha. ok lame!! that's lame. (SHHH DON'T LAUGH) not funny at all.
everyone, just look forward to everything in life.
it's very easy to love someone. but to forget someone, it's FREAKING HARD!
if there's a job, there's no S.H.E :(