OK PEOPLE. here i am. asked by LAO DA syazwani to update.
today is my suay(unlucky) day mann!! seriously. damn unlucky!
in the morning, the sore throat worsened. f. then i bathed in cold water, then here comes the flu. but soon it became alright. 4topaz was called to move up during assembly. whatever -.- then form teacher time. math. while, mjt went through questions of the paper. DAMN IT. while, all wrong :( and due to carelessness somemore. IRRITATING. during poa class, miss gwee walked in. NATHASHA WAS SINGING AND DANCING. ok damn funny. haha. then cme. wa mr lai black face. OH WELL. i asked about the project thing, and he gave me an answer not linking, OH BOTHER. HERE COMES THE MOST SUAY THING THAT CAN EVER HAPPEN. while, after cme, lilin, rowena, zijian, liesa and i. we went to the toilet, without a pass. ezan and shazwan, they were loitering outside the class. came to know that miss au locked us out when ezan came up to the girls toilet to call us. ok, so we went down. miss au started spouting invalid stuff to us. like ezan going up to see us. HUH!? k then she starting talking about us having no manners. ok nvm, we deserved it. afterall, we did break a school rule.while, english lesson, while, i was listening. but the class became too rowdy. miss au went down to find the dm. wth. JUST AS THE DM WALKED IN, I WAS HELPING SOMEONE TO CHARGE THEIR HANDPHONE. wth, SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. so for the first time, i had very fast reaction. i pulled ruiqi's charger and the other charger and stuff it in my bag. WITH RUIQI'S PHONE AND THE EARPIECES. mind the s behind. while, our class was given the discipline diary AGAIN! this time, after school everyday, we were suppose to meet the dm. WTH. after school. met mr rani at the concourse. the whole class was there. DUH? those with long nails had to cut. that's what happens if you have a dd. damn it. while, here comes the most horrible thing of the day. ezan, shazwan, liesa, lilin, rowena, zijian and i were called out. hell. mr rani went. "SL, SL, SL, SL, SL, SL, SL, just one week after you step down and you blah blah." he called us bloody wad? and hypocrites. got stripped off student leadership. which means the sl on our cca draft is taken off. and put into pending. so we have to be VERY GUAI people to earn that back. don't understand? ok the more simple way. why in the cca draft sl is not included? BECAUSE WE WENT TO THE TOILET. easy? haha. ya because we went to the toilet. and miss au having a bad mood, our sl thing FLEW AWAY. ok, then chinese listening. then homed with _. studied and felt so super duper weak and went to sleep. before sleeping, all i had was a fever and a sorethroat. and in between my sleep, i felt something pushing up my nose. ps: only the fan was on. i went, "shrmmmmmmmm shrmmmmm" can you imagine that noise? the one when you suck everything up your nose. while, the mucus was stuck and i had a hard time breathing. I FELT LIKE DYING SERIOUSLY. DON'T UNDERSTAND AGAIN? very simple. a heavy head, with a blocked nose and a painful throat. HOW'S THAT? great huh.
OK LA I'M DONE ALREADY! byebyebye.
how to fall in love with two people at the same time?
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