she's ok, but not just there yet -.-
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! YOU'RE AS OLD AS I AM NOW! HEHE. and it's exactly your 17th birthday now! because it's 11PM! see, i still remember. hehehe. hope you liked the surprise and, sorry about leaving earlier manxzx. hahah! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! and wish you all the very bestttt.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! YOU'RE AS OLD AS I AM NOW! HEHE. and it's exactly your 17th birthday now! because it's 11PM! see, i still remember. hehehe. hope you liked the surprise and, sorry about leaving earlier manxzx. hahah! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! and wish you all the very bestttt.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
HAHHAA. hi everyone.

centre parting! hahaha. THE trend

and they did the peishi's smile again :D

we're just from different schools you know...

centre parting! hahaha. THE trend
nice right. HEHE.

and they did the peishi's smile again :D
yes i have awesome friends. not denying it :)
have i ever told you all my favourite sign? it's this one "~" HAHHA! oh, somehow, i think i remember telling some people about it. DID I? oh yes i did. hahaha. just read it again la. you see, this sign has an up and a down, we can use this sign to represent our life. there're full of ups and downs in our life. eh then what uh? know what i'll continue some other time, if i remember. because i just know something, again. danggggg.. bye
and, i lost, again.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
hello it's the 22 August and at 11:11pm. i'm posting this. HAHA.
right, thank you to everybody who have wished me happy birthday :D it's definitely too long to list. surprisingly, there're many unexpected people who wished me. and those who i expected didn't! HAHHA. how amazing. maybe they forgotten or didn't know. oh well.. it's just a birthday.
honestly, i felt like crap on this very day. it seemed that nothing was going right. and it's the first time in all my birthdays that i felt like crying because i felt like i was alone. like. ALL ALONE. yeah, it was quite horrible. so i just went to sleep. till about 9+ i woke up and cut the cake. and played DAIDI till about now? then my relatives went home. so now i'm just replying those on facebook who have wished and feeling sleepy again. HMM~
my miniest sister gave me a card. and it was so cute. haha! and my cousin gave me a hug just now. she was so small. HAHAH. ok not small. just ya! ahaha. CHIOHPEIXUAN. YOU OWE ME A CARD. ahhaha. AND MARCUSCHIOH! YOU OWE ME 5BUCKS! FOR LOSING TO ME IN DAIDI!
oh anw. really thanks for the wishes. made my day better :)
and now the day is going to be over in 20 minutes. so i'll just. ya you know. hahaha.
one word, disappointment.
right, thank you to everybody who have wished me happy birthday :D it's definitely too long to list. surprisingly, there're many unexpected people who wished me. and those who i expected didn't! HAHHA. how amazing. maybe they forgotten or didn't know. oh well.. it's just a birthday.
honestly, i felt like crap on this very day. it seemed that nothing was going right. and it's the first time in all my birthdays that i felt like crying because i felt like i was alone. like. ALL ALONE. yeah, it was quite horrible. so i just went to sleep. till about 9+ i woke up and cut the cake. and played DAIDI till about now? then my relatives went home. so now i'm just replying those on facebook who have wished and feeling sleepy again. HMM~
my miniest sister gave me a card. and it was so cute. haha! and my cousin gave me a hug just now. she was so small. HAHAH. ok not small. just ya! ahaha. CHIOHPEIXUAN. YOU OWE ME A CARD. ahhaha. AND MARCUSCHIOH! YOU OWE ME 5BUCKS! FOR LOSING TO ME IN DAIDI!
oh anw. really thanks for the wishes. made my day better :)
and now the day is going to be over in 20 minutes. so i'll just. ya you know. hahaha.
one word, disappointment.
Friday, August 21, 2009
i got a weird friend..
elaine says (11:06 PM):
i think of you, i think for you.
eu hurt mi.
eu hurt mi til my forehead is bleeding.
eu hurt mi.
elaine says (11:24 PM):
i also dont want
i want to spend the day with you
Peishi Swirl says, damnthedumbdash.blogspot.com says (11:25 PM):
what. trying to melt my heart is it?
not working...
see what i mean? hahaha.
walao eh. i miss you la. you miss me too is it? 1111 :D HAHAHA! must be. you! think you're asleep now anw.
elaine says (11:06 PM):
i think of you, i think for you.
eu hurt mi.
eu hurt mi til my forehead is bleeding.
eu hurt mi.
elaine says (11:24 PM):
i also dont want
i want to spend the day with you
Peishi Swirl says, damnthedumbdash.blogspot.com says (11:25 PM):
what. trying to melt my heart is it?
not working...
see what i mean? hahaha.
walao eh. i miss you la. you miss me too is it? 1111 :D HAHAHA! must be. you! think you're asleep now anw.
haha. i as planning on writing about my thoughts when i saw people playing in the park just now. maybe tonight. after tuition or something. hehehe.
ANYWAY, greatest thanks to dorcas, fadilla, sha and aaron :D for the short afternoon spent, with the mini cake and the meal :D lurbxzxz euu all! also, wishes from classmates and schoolmates. CANDYTOOK! you also! for calling me after school to wish moiii :D HAHAH!
post more tonight.
i just don't get it. do you?
ANYWAY, greatest thanks to dorcas, fadilla, sha and aaron :D for the short afternoon spent, with the mini cake and the meal :D lurbxzxz euu all! also, wishes from classmates and schoolmates. CANDYTOOK! you also! for calling me after school to wish moiii :D HAHAH!
post more tonight.
i just don't get it. do you?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
hey people. this is a must-read :D hahaha. not forcing though.
before i start to tell you what happened today. let me say something. after reading much. I SW**R, those who trust my eyes and my mind. talk to me. you know who you are. I PROMISE. just talk to me! i got things to tell you. like seriously. hmm... and people. learn to trust my mind and my eyes. because i can see things that people can't. HAHAHA. right right? those who ya.. hahaha. you know it.
so today has been AWESOME. morning had irp. and mr cheng DON'T WANT TO GIVE ME AN IRP PAPER. I LEFT MY AT HOME! grr. then cannot give me new one? nvm -.- hahhaha. don't waste my time on him. so i just did the questions from dorcas's paper. good student right? I KNOW. hehehe. then had pe. played this game. and i think my class is awesome. haha. we kept quabbling over some lame stuff. then econs. and chinese. and then ht period again. (oh. ps, I THINK I WAS LIKE THE ONLY PERSON IN CLASS WHO SUBMITTED THAT THING LA. everyone was chatting away in class. omg good student, really. haha) photo taking for basketball and PLAY BALL! wooo~ today's training was incredibly fun. i don't know why. we did some retarded drills which made us dizzy and tired. haha! then played match with kerrie, candy and milli after debrief (DAMN FUN! kept teaming up with kerrie. and did many ridiculous stuff, i'll take away the details before it gets too long.)
met elaine and qianmei at westmall AND KNOW WHATTT? I GOT TO FINALLY EAT MY FRIED RICEE!! wooooo~ i felt like i was in heaven when i took the first mouth (OK THAT'S WAY TOO EXAGGERATING) haha dorcas tang. i got my fried rice liaoxzxz.
qm: eh! my mother damn fierce. i don't dare go home! peishi, can you your house there the playground to hide?
ps: HUH! why your mum scold? then your test how?
qm: i don't know. must let my mum cool down first.
ps: ok! go my house.
CHEY. so steady right. hehehe.
then i went home with elaine and qianmei. when i walked into my home. I SAW EVERYBODY. then suddenly.... (*plays the happy birthday song) christine, huldah, celine, winnie pop out from my house's staircase. holding on a cake. WALAO. i was like. :O :O :O WHAT THE HECK. hahaha. what a surprise :D shocked and i was at a loss for words. HAHHA. also... i was ANGRY (no i wasn't) with qianmei! BECAUSE SHE LIED TO ME! AND I BELIEVED HER! i feel so gullible now. hmm~ anw. THANKS GUYS. I LUBZXZ EUU ALL ALOT ALOT AND MANY MANY. hhahahha. and so, that's 1 down. maybe that's the only one. HAHHA. thanks alot okxzxzx. and elaine, qianmei, GO JOIN MEDIACORP LA. so good at acting. THANKS UH!
i think my friends are awesomexzxzx. regardless where they're from. india, china, japan, america. ANYWHERE. they are awesome! haha. my mum was just saying. you're like such a big shot -.- THEN I WAS LIKE. HMM... ahahah.
oh. and greatest apologies to sylvia and shawn. I REALLY DIDN'T SEE YOU ALL AT THE CANTEEN LEHXZXZ :(
BYEBYEBYE. i'm so happy. :D
3 more days! :D
before i start to tell you what happened today. let me say something. after reading much. I SW**R, those who trust my eyes and my mind. talk to me. you know who you are. I PROMISE. just talk to me! i got things to tell you. like seriously. hmm... and people. learn to trust my mind and my eyes. because i can see things that people can't. HAHAHA. right right? those who ya.. hahaha. you know it.
so today has been AWESOME. morning had irp. and mr cheng DON'T WANT TO GIVE ME AN IRP PAPER. I LEFT MY AT HOME! grr. then cannot give me new one? nvm -.- hahhaha. don't waste my time on him. so i just did the questions from dorcas's paper. good student right? I KNOW. hehehe. then had pe. played this game. and i think my class is awesome. haha. we kept quabbling over some lame stuff. then econs. and chinese. and then ht period again. (oh. ps, I THINK I WAS LIKE THE ONLY PERSON IN CLASS WHO SUBMITTED THAT THING LA. everyone was chatting away in class. omg good student, really. haha) photo taking for basketball and PLAY BALL! wooo~ today's training was incredibly fun. i don't know why. we did some retarded drills which made us dizzy and tired. haha! then played match with kerrie, candy and milli after debrief (DAMN FUN! kept teaming up with kerrie. and did many ridiculous stuff, i'll take away the details before it gets too long.)
met elaine and qianmei at westmall AND KNOW WHATTT? I GOT TO FINALLY EAT MY FRIED RICEE!! wooooo~ i felt like i was in heaven when i took the first mouth (OK THAT'S WAY TOO EXAGGERATING) haha dorcas tang. i got my fried rice liaoxzxz.
qm: eh! my mother damn fierce. i don't dare go home! peishi, can you your house there the playground to hide?
ps: HUH! why your mum scold? then your test how?
qm: i don't know. must let my mum cool down first.
ps: ok! go my house.
CHEY. so steady right. hehehe.
then i went home with elaine and qianmei. when i walked into my home. I SAW EVERYBODY. then suddenly.... (*plays the happy birthday song) christine, huldah, celine, winnie pop out from my house's staircase. holding on a cake. WALAO. i was like. :O :O :O WHAT THE HECK. hahaha. what a surprise :D shocked and i was at a loss for words. HAHHA. also... i was ANGRY (no i wasn't) with qianmei! BECAUSE SHE LIED TO ME! AND I BELIEVED HER! i feel so gullible now. hmm~ anw. THANKS GUYS. I LUBZXZ EUU ALL ALOT ALOT AND MANY MANY. hhahahha. and so, that's 1 down. maybe that's the only one. HAHHA. thanks alot okxzxzx. and elaine, qianmei, GO JOIN MEDIACORP LA. so good at acting. THANKS UH!
i think my friends are awesomexzxzx. regardless where they're from. india, china, japan, america. ANYWHERE. they are awesome! haha. my mum was just saying. you're like such a big shot -.- THEN I WAS LIKE. HMM... ahahah.
oh. and greatest apologies to sylvia and shawn. I REALLY DIDN'T SEE YOU ALL AT THE CANTEEN LEHXZXZ :(
BYEBYEBYE. i'm so happy. :D
3 more days! :D
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

They might be my new love :) hahaha.

don't worry, they're still the top!
HAHHA! the truth is, i onlyknow one song from the above band. HAHHA. but they're awesome laaa.
school was very boring today. i was feeling so lonely la.dorcas and fadilla didn't come. fadilla only came in the afternoon. thank goodness there were still my classmates. went to buy stuff after school. and i'm home now.
oh and i just realised that my birthday is coming, after opening up my diary :D HAHAH! no kidding. oh well, maybe this year is nothing. HAHHA!
tomorrow got training againxzxzxz!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
haha. hello. today is such a tiring day. rushing to and fro. morning went for expt meeting, knew many things. had to plan sec 1 orientation. come up with more stuff. afternoon, went down to lavender for footdrills section. felt so accomplished :) left in the evening and headed down to cck to meet my dearest peeps. had to leave early. so sorry guys :( let the pictures do the talking manxzxz. they're the awesome-st people!

they did the peishi smile :)

then the zijian's one.

they did the peishi smile :)

then the zijian's one.
this is a family photo! HAHHAA.
we were acting like _.
the winnie's pose? HAHHA!
the PIG pose!
there're many more at fb. so check them out. hahaha. oh ya. anyone wants their number? i'll give them to you now! FOR FREE! on my blog :D
Celine: 9*******
Christine: 9*******
Elaine: 8*******
Huldah: 8*******
Winnie: 9*******
Zijian: 9*******
you didn't really think i'll give you their numbers did you? HAHHHA. go guess la! maybe after 100 godzilla years then you'll figure it out. and by the time they would have changed their numbers already. HAHAHA! alright anw. i'll tell you more about them another time. 2AM! how exciting! :D
oh and my grandma just called me earlier. she said everyone's coming over to my home next week because it's my birthday. then i was like. HUH? haha. okok. the convo..
grands: next week everyone's going to your house to celebrate! (in chinese)
me: orh.
grands: ya. so it won't be so troublesome.. next week they can help you celebrate also!
me: celebrate what?
grands: your birthday what! you forgot next week?
me: huh? oh ya.
grands: you forget already? so next week everyone's coming ok.
me: orh. ok! bye.
HAHHA! woo. so exciting! it's coming coming comingggg. and i kind of forgot about it. hmm.. whatever la. i don't know what else to type anymore. so see you guys around. byexzxzx.
i'm disappointed in you. shall not bother anymore.
Friday, August 14, 2009
hey ho people. i'm feeling really bad today. like deep down in my heart. grrxzxz. oh whatever.
morning went to school. dorcas didn't come. had chinese class and gp class. haa. during break went to ohub to complete the project. and cheryl saiful and i were like cursing much more than doing the project. simply because the computer wasn't working with us. it keeps giving us error reports. annoying thing. after school, assembly. hung around. and headed over to town. was suppose to watch a movie but we were ALL late. oh there was fadilla, dorcas, yenping, rachel and her 2 nieces. oh ya, wenxi and her friend was there for a while too. it was like a babysitting day and the kids were like so fortunate. when they want to get carried, they'll get it. HAHA. omg mind you, they're heavy. your muscles can jsut ache like crazy man. and yes, now my arms are aching. HEHEHE.
another busy day tmr. meeting in the morning and in the afternoon i've got some otc thing. to march and all that. OH NO. FOOTDRILLS :( ahahaha.
alright. i'm still feeling so sulky. oh man. whatever. going to sleep. goodnightxzxz.
i just really want to be who i really want to be.
morning went to school. dorcas didn't come. had chinese class and gp class. haa. during break went to ohub to complete the project. and cheryl saiful and i were like cursing much more than doing the project. simply because the computer wasn't working with us. it keeps giving us error reports. annoying thing. after school, assembly. hung around. and headed over to town. was suppose to watch a movie but we were ALL late. oh there was fadilla, dorcas, yenping, rachel and her 2 nieces. oh ya, wenxi and her friend was there for a while too. it was like a babysitting day and the kids were like so fortunate. when they want to get carried, they'll get it. HAHA. omg mind you, they're heavy. your muscles can jsut ache like crazy man. and yes, now my arms are aching. HEHEHE.
another busy day tmr. meeting in the morning and in the afternoon i've got some otc thing. to march and all that. OH NO. FOOTDRILLS :( ahahaha.
alright. i'm still feeling so sulky. oh man. whatever. going to sleep. goodnightxzxz.
i just really want to be who i really want to be.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
back to class tomorrow. like finally! people of 09B2! i'm coming back :D HAHHA!
i had to write something for this sweden exchange programme thing. the questions were basically asking how we could contribute. and what aspects of Singapore we would want to being there. what aspects we want to learn from Swenden. and what product we intend to sell there. HMM? i was gathering ideas about what to write for the contributions. and i intended to write blog because i have this damnthedumbdash. but then my friends asked. do you blog with maturity? or something like that. then someone else said. NO. immediately. come to think of it. it's true. and i use all these xzxzxzxxzx thing. HAHA. aiya. who cares la. maybe people think i'm childish. which i can't argue to it. because maybe i really am.
it's really hard to be someone people want you to be. and pressure rises when people expect something from you. like they expect you to say something after they told you something. but if it's a bad day, you won't even want to bother about anything. in order to live to their expectations, you will have to dig your brains out and slog it all out just to answer their questions. are we living to others expectations or for our own expectations. i wonder.
i'm at a loss. i just don't know what to do now. help me.
there's training tmr. AWW MAN! grr. alright. have a great day everyone.
and CHEER UP to whoever's down. being sad is not helping at all. turn that frown upside down to make it a smile. a smile a day keeps your unhappiness away :D
i had to write something for this sweden exchange programme thing. the questions were basically asking how we could contribute. and what aspects of Singapore we would want to being there. what aspects we want to learn from Swenden. and what product we intend to sell there. HMM? i was gathering ideas about what to write for the contributions. and i intended to write blog because i have this damnthedumbdash. but then my friends asked. do you blog with maturity? or something like that. then someone else said. NO. immediately. come to think of it. it's true. and i use all these xzxzxzxxzx thing. HAHA. aiya. who cares la. maybe people think i'm childish. which i can't argue to it. because maybe i really am.
it's really hard to be someone people want you to be. and pressure rises when people expect something from you. like they expect you to say something after they told you something. but if it's a bad day, you won't even want to bother about anything. in order to live to their expectations, you will have to dig your brains out and slog it all out just to answer their questions. are we living to others expectations or for our own expectations. i wonder.
i'm at a loss. i just don't know what to do now. help me.
there's training tmr. AWW MAN! grr. alright. have a great day everyone.
and CHEER UP to whoever's down. being sad is not helping at all. turn that frown upside down to make it a smile. a smile a day keeps your unhappiness away :D
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
HAHHA! to prove my worth! i shall show you the pictures i take. JUST SO AWESOME. with just one camera. HAHHA!







I CAN JUST BE SYLVIA'S PHOTOGRAPHER. want notxzxz!? hehehe.


a photoshoot in school..

when they were too busy thinking of posts..


i'm so proud :D ahhaa


haha! because they were talking and talking. then i just took this pictureee~



this is like the best picture ever taken. AWESOME RIGHT.. coolioxzxzzxz...
all taken by yours truly! hehehe! with sylvia liew kaitong's awesome camera! amazed? hehehe! so, who want to employ me? come la. i charge cheap cheap onexzxzxz! see who you are, maybe no need money k! hahaha! :D aren't you all impressed? hehehe! bet you all are. so, finally pictures on my blog eh! hahaha!








I CAN JUST BE SYLVIA'S PHOTOGRAPHER. want notxzxz!? hehehe.


a photoshoot in school..

when they were too busy thinking of posts..


i'm so proud :D ahhaa


haha! because they were talking and talking. then i just took this pictureee~


so.. i shall just save the best for the lastt.HAHAHA! SEEEE...

this is like the best picture ever taken. AWESOME RIGHT.. coolioxzxzzxz...
all taken by yours truly! hehehe! with sylvia liew kaitong's awesome camera! amazed? hehehe! so, who want to employ me? come la. i charge cheap cheap onexzxzxz! see who you are, maybe no need money k! hahaha! :D aren't you all impressed? hehehe! bet you all are. so, finally pictures on my blog eh! hahaha!
alrightxzzx. i don'tknow what more to post. shall post next time. byexzxzx! hahah!
Friday, August 07, 2009
morning comes around and i, can't wait to see the sunny island.
in this glorious greenery, whether rain or shine, it's still beautiful.
bright lights shine on the streets at night, guiding me, closer to home.
to a place where i'll be, safe and warm, where i belong~
where i belong, where i keep my heart and soul, where dreams come true for us.
where we walk together hand in hand, towards a future so bright.
where i belong, where i keep my heart and soul where we are one big family.
i want the whole world to know i want to shout it out loud.
that this is where i know i belong!
awesome shit today! it is like a very random day. and i met so many people in one day. like all scales of life squeezed into one day. and this is a day. where i felt so bad for ditching people. morning, went to school (duh?) then i think everyone was in a good mood today. i had no suspension for the day! awesomeee. then join the class. and i just went crazy. HAHA. i think i went crazy. there was this singing thing which we had to do as a class. so we sang where i belong (please refer to the top) it's so fun! because the whole class were into it. and it was just so, bonded? hahah! the feeling was amazing la. but you're suppose to be into it to be into it. GET IT? ahhaa! nvm -.-
today i saw many people. i saw my dear juniors who completed their parade in Dunearn. i saw Elaine and Celine. and i saw MI people HAHHAHA -.-in conclusion, today was fun.
OH OH OH. and and and! i took sylvia's camera today and i took pictures. SO FUN LA. hahaha! and i take very nice pictures. DON'T BELIEVE? when sylvia upload the pictures then i show you! YOU'LL BE SO JEALOUS! hahahhha.
k la, anw. some bad stuff happen today also. but i shan't elaborate on it. because it's just not relevant and it'll spoil the atmosphere. hahaa
in this glorious greenery, whether rain or shine, it's still beautiful.
bright lights shine on the streets at night, guiding me, closer to home.
to a place where i'll be, safe and warm, where i belong~
where i belong, where i keep my heart and soul, where dreams come true for us.
where we walk together hand in hand, towards a future so bright.
where i belong, where i keep my heart and soul where we are one big family.
i want the whole world to know i want to shout it out loud.
that this is where i know i belong!
awesome shit today! it is like a very random day. and i met so many people in one day. like all scales of life squeezed into one day. and this is a day. where i felt so bad for ditching people. morning, went to school (duh?) then i think everyone was in a good mood today. i had no suspension for the day! awesomeee. then join the class. and i just went crazy. HAHA. i think i went crazy. there was this singing thing which we had to do as a class. so we sang where i belong (please refer to the top) it's so fun! because the whole class were into it. and it was just so, bonded? hahah! the feeling was amazing la. but you're suppose to be into it to be into it. GET IT? ahhaa! nvm -.-
today i saw many people. i saw my dear juniors who completed their parade in Dunearn. i saw Elaine and Celine. and i saw MI people HAHHAHA -.-in conclusion, today was fun.
OH OH OH. and and and! i took sylvia's camera today and i took pictures. SO FUN LA. hahaha! and i take very nice pictures. DON'T BELIEVE? when sylvia upload the pictures then i show you! YOU'LL BE SO JEALOUS! hahahhha.
k la, anw. some bad stuff happen today also. but i shan't elaborate on it. because it's just not relevant and it'll spoil the atmosphere. hahaa
Thursday, August 06, 2009
hello people. guess where i am now. yes, i'm in school. and i'm dying of boredom. i declare today as slack day. i'm going to sleep and use the computer. and then later i'll just keep sleeping if this macbook dies. anw. greatest thanks to Mr Aaron Shui for being so generous and lend me this. if not i'll probably just die of boredom here. omg. i see more people today. i think they didn't feel like signing out yesterday? hahha. MAYBE SO. it's getting warmer and warmer. i think most people serving suspension are smart people. they brought their laptops to play man. so smart. so, shall i declare tomorrow as slack day too? or should i just not come to school. OH YA. some people ask me to wear retro tomorrow. should i? hahhaa. i don't even know what retro is. going to check it out now. shh. oh i know already. grr. i feel so annoyed again. even if i wear tmr. it'll be totally pointless right? i'll still be sitting here and have those dear breaks and no one would look what. besides, everyone will be leaving the school so early. then what? hahha. OH YA, talking about that. then after the whole school leave and celebrate, i'll be like the only one in school :( SO SAD! maybe i shouldn't come to school tmr. come on people. can you all provide some suggestions for me. HAHHA. arghh. so useless.
what should i do now? 4 more hours till sign out time. my class end lessons at 325. WHICH IS STILL SO FAR AWAY AS OF NOW. there's no one coming here. and i'm starting to feel tired. i think i should turn the computer off now. the battery is about to die anytime. so yup. update more when i turn it on again later. oh and thank you sylvia liew! for lending my your ipod touch! it saved me for the morning! :D
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
days of suspension is such a bore.
can't even stand up to take a walk.
been deprived of every right to talk.
wonder when will all of this stop.
so sick and tired of looking at skies.
sometimes i wish i could just fly.
since this place is OH SO DRY.
it will eventually make me cry.
hahaha! sorry la. i'm not a literature student. so you can see how awesome my poems can be. -.-
In the past, i thought that the pink and white forms Dunearn gives are just crazy and it is just so ridiculous that such things are even invented! But look at how MI does it now. In Dunearn, if you're late, you get a pink form. and nothing happens. until you get like 5 pink forms or 3? i forgot. then you'll get Detention. Here in MI. once you're late. you go straight for Detention. and if you don't sign out at 6pm at the booth, you'll serve Suspension the next day. then if you're late for more than 5 times, you'll get a week of Suspension. awesome right my school.
For these 2 weeks that my dear mum left the country, i've been so unlucky. i'm not kidding. you see, i was down with a sickness and didn't attend school for a week. and the next week, i got suspension. today, while going through suspension, i went away from the table when it wasn't break time yet. and then guess what i got? an extra day of suspension! just wonderful isn't it? oh my gosh man. I can just die. it's so dumb when people think that suspension is so fun and you get to skip your lessons and do nothing. it's so annoying when people say that i'm lucky to get suspension. Trust me people, suspension is NOT FUN AT ALL. it's just like going to a jail without the railings. there're designated breaks for you. and you can only go to the toilet every first 5 min of the hour. and i always miss the 5 min. SO I CAN NEVER GO TO THE TOILET -.- grr. MI is just ruining my clean record man. the worst i ever got was detention. now it's suspension. WTF. makes me feel like a bad girl. and it certainly makes me want to rebel more.
Thank goodness there was Annelise and her friend today. if not i'll just die. it's just totally bored there. so now, i'm just wondering what i'm going to do tmr when there's nobody there. sigh. lonely... Eh. if you were in my shoes, i think you'll feel that you're on the verge to cry anytime because it's just so. $@#%^#!$ and right, whenever i walk past my class, i'll see everyone studying as a class. and i'll just feel that. OMG. i'm such a loner. the feeling sucks la. so people, don't try to get suspension. it sucks.
Just found out something today. which TOTALLY TURNED ME OFF. like wth. there's this friend of mine. whose home tutor is the discipline head. the person is one who is always late together with a group and i. so obviously, there are certain dates when we are late together. after that, when he got back his report, HIS RECORDS WERE CLEAN. that means, it showed he wasn't late and his conduct was Excellent. LIKE WTH? and the rest of us suffered. with 69/72 for punctuality. omg. so ARGHH. unfair i tell you. and adding on. didn't i say if you don't sign out for detention, you'll get suspension? he didn't sign out yesterday but he didn't have to serve suspension! he said that the teacher "give him face" what the heck la seriously. so unfair manxzxzxzxz. GRR. it's not like i hate the person or whatever la. IT'S JUST UNFAIR TREATMENT. to the whole school! there were like Pre-U 3 people being suspended today just because they didn't sign out for detention. but that person GOT AWAY SCOT-FREE. how's that? WHAT THE HELL SIA.
Anyway, greatest thanks to mates like Sylvia, Shawn, Dorcas, Huiting, Fadilla, 09b2 mates for just being there for me. and sdhf who came to the desk to accompany me. also to that nameless person who was so nice to me and bought me sushi and also accompanying me for a long long time. ahaha. thanks. oh yeah, i saw 1111. who miss me uh? k kidding. anw. 3 more days of suspension. just tell me i can do it ya!? maybe i'll splash paint at the teacher's house. or maybe i'll have thoughts of burning the school down. BURN BURN BURN..
I'M NOTHING BUT PISSED NOW I SWEAR. and i've been pissed ever since i heard the news. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW I'M FEELING? and some of you still say nevermind. like totally wth.
going to go. see you. in jail.
can't even stand up to take a walk.
been deprived of every right to talk.
wonder when will all of this stop.
so sick and tired of looking at skies.
sometimes i wish i could just fly.
since this place is OH SO DRY.
it will eventually make me cry.
hahaha! sorry la. i'm not a literature student. so you can see how awesome my poems can be. -.-
In the past, i thought that the pink and white forms Dunearn gives are just crazy and it is just so ridiculous that such things are even invented! But look at how MI does it now. In Dunearn, if you're late, you get a pink form. and nothing happens. until you get like 5 pink forms or 3? i forgot. then you'll get Detention. Here in MI. once you're late. you go straight for Detention. and if you don't sign out at 6pm at the booth, you'll serve Suspension the next day. then if you're late for more than 5 times, you'll get a week of Suspension. awesome right my school.
For these 2 weeks that my dear mum left the country, i've been so unlucky. i'm not kidding. you see, i was down with a sickness and didn't attend school for a week. and the next week, i got suspension. today, while going through suspension, i went away from the table when it wasn't break time yet. and then guess what i got? an extra day of suspension! just wonderful isn't it? oh my gosh man. I can just die. it's so dumb when people think that suspension is so fun and you get to skip your lessons and do nothing. it's so annoying when people say that i'm lucky to get suspension. Trust me people, suspension is NOT FUN AT ALL. it's just like going to a jail without the railings. there're designated breaks for you. and you can only go to the toilet every first 5 min of the hour. and i always miss the 5 min. SO I CAN NEVER GO TO THE TOILET -.- grr. MI is just ruining my clean record man. the worst i ever got was detention. now it's suspension. WTF. makes me feel like a bad girl. and it certainly makes me want to rebel more.
Thank goodness there was Annelise and her friend today. if not i'll just die. it's just totally bored there. so now, i'm just wondering what i'm going to do tmr when there's nobody there. sigh. lonely... Eh. if you were in my shoes, i think you'll feel that you're on the verge to cry anytime because it's just so. $@#%^#!$ and right, whenever i walk past my class, i'll see everyone studying as a class. and i'll just feel that. OMG. i'm such a loner. the feeling sucks la. so people, don't try to get suspension. it sucks.
Just found out something today. which TOTALLY TURNED ME OFF. like wth. there's this friend of mine. whose home tutor is the discipline head. the person is one who is always late together with a group and i. so obviously, there are certain dates when we are late together. after that, when he got back his report, HIS RECORDS WERE CLEAN. that means, it showed he wasn't late and his conduct was Excellent. LIKE WTH? and the rest of us suffered. with 69/72 for punctuality. omg. so ARGHH. unfair i tell you. and adding on. didn't i say if you don't sign out for detention, you'll get suspension? he didn't sign out yesterday but he didn't have to serve suspension! he said that the teacher "give him face" what the heck la seriously. so unfair manxzxzxzxz. GRR. it's not like i hate the person or whatever la. IT'S JUST UNFAIR TREATMENT. to the whole school! there were like Pre-U 3 people being suspended today just because they didn't sign out for detention. but that person GOT AWAY SCOT-FREE. how's that? WHAT THE HELL SIA.
Anyway, greatest thanks to mates like Sylvia, Shawn, Dorcas, Huiting, Fadilla, 09b2 mates for just being there for me. and sdhf who came to the desk to accompany me. also to that nameless person who was so nice to me and bought me sushi and also accompanying me for a long long time. ahaha. thanks. oh yeah, i saw 1111. who miss me uh? k kidding. anw. 3 more days of suspension. just tell me i can do it ya!? maybe i'll splash paint at the teacher's house. or maybe i'll have thoughts of burning the school down. BURN BURN BURN..
I'M NOTHING BUT PISSED NOW I SWEAR. and i've been pissed ever since i heard the news. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW I'M FEELING? and some of you still say nevermind. like totally wth.
going to go. see you. in jail.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Hello. i feel so unlucky today. since the start of the day.
I went out house slightly earlier today! at 725. then i couldn't cross the road in time to take the bus that came. so waited for a while and took the next bus to the interchange. then i boarded 941 at 750! Initially when i boarded the bus, i thought it was fine because the bus is not packed at all. then on the way. the time was still ticking away. and im still not late yet. But anw, in conclusion, even after running for our lives, i was still late. for like a few seconds or so. WA SUAY! then i remembered Miss Lee say that if i late one more time then i get HOME SUSPENSION FOR A WEEK. walao eh! so got to sit during irp and wait for the teacher. she called my dad. and talked to him for so long. so in the end, had to sit outside the staff room to wait. wait so long la. like literally the whole day. so in the end, the final verdict was that my suspension is in school! LIKE WHAT? in school? i rather be at home. no actually i don't want. hahhaa! what a sad thing.. the suspension till next tuesday! and what's worse is on friday is like a slack day and everyone will be having fun. and what i do? sit outside the staff room. like best only. walao eh..
alright anw. there were more happy stuff that happened than the sad stuff. which is just awesome man. found out that my classmates just rock! like every single one of them. i promise. hahaha! and my friends rock too. every single one of them! ahhaha! so if you're my friend. you rock! ya la. just rock la ok HAHAHA! can you sense my happiness now? i think you all can. LOL. i think i'm so hyper active now. just waiting for one more person to come online. i message her liao lehxzxz.and my phone died then after. but till now she haven't come online yet. how? haha. oh, i know why liaoxzz. HAHHA! CHEY.!
HI MILLICENT! ARE YOU READING THIS?I BET YOU ARE! so do you know what i'm thinking now? hahaha! you said you know what i'm thinking right. hahahaha!
maybe the suspension was a blessing in diguise. i think so manxzxz! and, night studying starting of tmr! RIGHT? ahhaha! yay. so happy. i think school's fun! but the suspension IS NOT. the area is too damn hot! but i completed all my homework there already. so tmr i have nothing else to do. HOW? ahhahaha!
omg.i'm really mad now. HELP ME CALM DOWN SOMEBODY! hahaha. oh and should i dressup on friday? i really don't know. i'm like sitting outside the staff room, dress up for what? HAHHA! so comments please!
see you guys tmr :)
I went out house slightly earlier today! at 725. then i couldn't cross the road in time to take the bus that came. so waited for a while and took the next bus to the interchange. then i boarded 941 at 750! Initially when i boarded the bus, i thought it was fine because the bus is not packed at all. then on the way. the time was still ticking away. and im still not late yet. But anw, in conclusion, even after running for our lives, i was still late. for like a few seconds or so. WA SUAY! then i remembered Miss Lee say that if i late one more time then i get HOME SUSPENSION FOR A WEEK. walao eh! so got to sit during irp and wait for the teacher. she called my dad. and talked to him for so long. so in the end, had to sit outside the staff room to wait. wait so long la. like literally the whole day. so in the end, the final verdict was that my suspension is in school! LIKE WHAT? in school? i rather be at home. no actually i don't want. hahhaa! what a sad thing.. the suspension till next tuesday! and what's worse is on friday is like a slack day and everyone will be having fun. and what i do? sit outside the staff room. like best only. walao eh..
alright anw. there were more happy stuff that happened than the sad stuff. which is just awesome man. found out that my classmates just rock! like every single one of them. i promise. hahaha! and my friends rock too. every single one of them! ahhaha! so if you're my friend. you rock! ya la. just rock la ok HAHAHA! can you sense my happiness now? i think you all can. LOL. i think i'm so hyper active now. just waiting for one more person to come online. i message her liao lehxzxz.and my phone died then after. but till now she haven't come online yet. how? haha. oh, i know why liaoxzz. HAHHA! CHEY.!
HI MILLICENT! ARE YOU READING THIS?I BET YOU ARE! so do you know what i'm thinking now? hahaha! you said you know what i'm thinking right. hahahaha!
maybe the suspension was a blessing in diguise. i think so manxzxz! and, night studying starting of tmr! RIGHT? ahhaha! yay. so happy. i think school's fun! but the suspension IS NOT. the area is too damn hot! but i completed all my homework there already. so tmr i have nothing else to do. HOW? ahhahaha!
omg.i'm really mad now. HELP ME CALM DOWN SOMEBODY! hahaha. oh and should i dressup on friday? i really don't know. i'm like sitting outside the staff room, dress up for what? HAHHA! so comments please!
see you guys tmr :)
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