Friday, June 19, 2009

see! ultimate challenge. jumping jacks. CAN YOU SEE ME?

team-building.. SEE ME? hahaha

transporting across the hole!

falling in. NICE meee..

spot me again.. WA. nice rows :)

morning exercise. THE SUN HAVEN'T EVEN COME OUT LA!

taking attendance?

group picture..

awaiting ranksss.

CAN YOU SPOT ME? it's the road march!

i'm beside the boy beside yichuin. hidden. HAHA! all of us were asleep. haha! sir was preaching..

oh. did i tell you camp was also like a GP class? we had to keep writing essays. HAHAHA or somewhat essays..

preparing for road march.. in broad nightlight.

drinking up before road march!

sleepyheads boarding the bus.

ultimate challenge. where we cling on to each other for support. because all our hands were aching!

more clinging. SPOT ME!

this is the suicide running. SHAG.

yeah. i'm like the person in the front. carrying everything! look at yichuin! HAHAHA

jumping jacks?

transporting casualty under the bench.

yeah. climb the rope and take out the puzzle!

100 pumpings before starting to climb the rope!

crunches position!! everyone was dyinggg.

that sir was the one doing all the torturing. hahah!

pumping position! and one person doing buddha clap. because she can't do pumping.

LOL. like some commando!

transporting up the bench. and down after that.

my group! OSCARS!!!! see me!?

more of my group :D

doing the 2.4km TOGETHER! hahaha..
see me? HAHAHA!
alright. that's about it! SHAG TOTALLY. hahaha

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