this is one of the main things i learnt from the camp.
hello people. i'm back :D missed me? HAHA.
my gosh. the camp was. tiring. one word to describe me now, SHAG.
my group in the officer training camp is called, OSCAR. cool right :D
day 1:
fall in at 5pm. greenview secondary school. went in, put bags down and then went for lecture. my gosh. it was quite boring. then the sir started talking about the route we were going to run. then he suddenly said "OK, all report to the parade square now, we're going for the run" MY GOSH. it was that random! like out of no where! so yeah. the 2.4km route. we were all beyond words. but still had to run what! so, we were suppose to run our best and clock the timing. each group ran in intervals. so Sierra ran first and after 1 minute, Tango would start running and so on. so it's like 1 minute later the next group run kind of thing. so Oscar startedto run only after 3 minutes later. the first round, ran like mad. didn't stop leh :D so impressive. then run and look around the scenery. and when i reached the ending point. they told me to remember the number 44. HAHHA! so yup, that's 2.4km! then they made us settle down and told us our timings. so the number 44 is the placing and the time i took. GUESS HOW MUCH I TOOK? i took like only 14minutes03seconds la?! WALAO EH! like 2 minutes faster than school's one. satisfied though. after that the sir said: "Alright, so every thing has to be done twice. the second try will always give a better result. So we're going to run this route again. All of you try to impove your timing. The group who improve the least will do guard duty" WA. like what the heckkk. so ran again. i didn't improve. but neither did i deprove. i stayed the same. 44th. it was totally crazy man! on a random time, random day to run 4.8km! i was thinking of signing out on that day. haha! then more lectures and a triage. so lights off was like at 130am in the morning. and we had to fall in by 445am the next day.
2nd day:
so, fall in at the parade square. and yet another surprise, another morning run! this time, it wasn't 2.4km anymore. it was 6km! from greenview secondary school, we had to run all the way to pasir ris park. so it was like to-and-fro. it was crazy. i never ever could withstand that much of running! but somehow, i didn't stop during the run to pasir ris. so we left the school at about 5am and came back at around 7+am. because we spent some time at the park reciting the officer's creed over and over again. during the run, the officers said we were running too slowly. so when we reached the school, we had to do many pumpings. it was just crazy. i was drenched, not with rainwater but sweat! so yeah. breakfast and then a lecture again. then after that it was the "Ultimate Challenge" we had to form into groups of 5 and complete 6 stations. there was a total of 19 groups. so obviously we all can't play together. we had to take turns. so team1 started first. i was team 19. which was the last. and we had to wait for a long time. so while waiting for the other teams to finish their rounds, the rest of the teams had to stay in pumping position and not moving. knees off the ground and butts up. MY GOD. EXTREME PAIN! my hands were aching. and i felt as if blood was flowing into my brain. it was unbearable. and imagine staying that way for 1 hour+. thank goodness the sir would change the position to crunches or the buddha clap. but both were equally painful. so the Ultimate Challenge. WAS TIRING. and it seemed impossible. so. station 1, we had to complete 100 pumpings as a group. and station 2, we had to climb up a rope to the second floor and tap the wall and then take a puzzle piece from the bucket. it was hard because the rope is like those armypeople use that kind. so yeah. it's hard to climb up without teammates help. so after that, station 3 we were suppose to transport a casualty over a pyramid made of benches. it was challenging. because the benches were stacked quite high and the safety of the casualty is at priority. then station 4, we had t do jumping jacks. station 5, PULL-UPS. and i mean those guys kind one. wa had to do 30 per group. so yeah. pulled 5 and then took turns to pull. guess what's station 6? IT WAS SUICIDES LA. my god. can die -.- then we had to run over to our last station. with 2 people carrying 2 people and the last man to carry the stretcher and the bags of the rest of the man. so i carried the stretcher and all bags. because it was more reasonable that way. so yeah. run like crazy to the army crawl. where we were suppose to transport another casualty through a very low bench. and finally, when we reach our pit stop, we were suppose to climb the rope again and ring the bell. obviously after that, it was like all your energy has been drained away. after the challenge, more lectures and dinner. and i forgot what happened. HAHA! lights off was at 1245. fall in the next day at 445
day 3:
woke up at 435. SO RUSHED LIKE CRAZY and fall in. then, ran 2.4km as a group. we had to set a limit time we would want too pass. we set 17mins30seconds at first but we didn't meet our target and had to run another round. so that make it 4.8km again. LOL after the run, it was breakfast then lecture then another triage. sian. after that, had preparation for the campfire. evening was Campfire time. it was fun! but i was like running out of energy hha! so lights out at anytime. but we had to fall in at an earlier time! AT 3AM! my god.
day 4 (finally!):
we fall in at 240am instead. took a bus down to changi there. the safra changi place. it was quite deserted there. my gosh. know what we were having? A ROAD MARCH. MY MY... early in the morning only! so from that ULU place back to greenview secondary. it was like 16km la! WE HAD TO COMPLETE THE WHOLE MARCH. 16km!!! just plain madness lor. so started off and keep walking and walking and cheering along the way.after about 7km or so, we stopped for a break. the sun haven't even rise yet! sighh. then carried on with the walk! it was SO SO SO tiring. and stressful. like you have to keep up with the pace! if not you're lost. so yeah completed the freaking march with a freaking wet shirt. came back. had promotion with full-uniform. gosh. at the parade i was perspiring like crazy. then after that, went t have breakfast. and then area-cleaning time. debrief. and finally HOME! my gosh. my whole body was like crashing down. and i felt so lethargic! like i'm going to collapse anytime. probably due to the lack of sleep? haha! or the freaking strenous activities'? yup. so end of camp!
HOORAYYYYYYYYYYY! i survived this torture camp. i know that the description is not good at all. because what i'd been through can't be explained by words. but i am sure. if you want to slim down, just go for otc! hahha! while most probably. so yeah. 3 CHEERS! now i'm left with the course dates and exam to pass through and i'll be FREE. while, not really. so yay! i still can't believe i walked and run so much in just 4 days. lets see. 4.8+6+4.8+16=33.6? is it? i don't know la. BUT IT'S SUCH A LING DISTANCE! hahaha. and my thighs and feet are killing me now. and i feel like going into a deep sleep. i got bad news for myself.i have to go shopping tmr:( HAHHAH! no la. it's not bad news.it's just ya. MORE WALKING :( depressed laaa. alright. so shall see you all next time.
lol. so, hello everybody. i'm back.and goodnight :)
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