Saturday, December 29, 2007
well, many events happened during the holidays.
NCO course, China trip, OBS, Student Leader Outing, NCO camp and exam.
NCO Course
Well, obviously it sucked a little, just like old times! Lessons, lessons and more lessons. With some stupid drills and falling in INCLUDED. and the same old lunch we always have at 12pm. damn. Plus the checking of uniforms and changing it from half uniform to full uniform WITH hundreds of people in the same toilet. WTF! yup. SO MUCH FOR 4 DAYS OF THEORY COURSE. for that one month, i hated Saturdays ALOT!
China trip
Well, this trip, alot of things to say about it. In short, embarrassed myself ALOT. got scolded many times, most of them weren't actualy my fault and 1 of them was NOT MY FAULT AT ALL? who cares. Had alot of fun! and of course experiences. Made many new friends, not really new, cos i know them already maybe know them more. uh huh. On the last night i guess, i think i only slept less than 8 hours that's for sure can't really remember. I REMEMBERED one most memorable thing. Zijian, Chi Shuen, Ee Chong, Sabrina, Peini and I, Lilin and Rowena for a short while only. All of us were in the hotel lobby "doing homework". I WAS doing my work while most them were attracted to the computer and psp-s. I forgot to mention that we were all VERY HUNGRY. ok. so we were trying to find food to eat. like room service and all. but we did not order from there. A miracle happened. A delivery man so happened to walk in to deliver food to the reception. Ee Chong walked over and asked of he could deliver for us too. he agreed, of course. Guess what we ordered? A CHICKEN BURGER AND A CUP OF BUBBLE TEA! and how much was it? RMB7 which is only $1+ in Singapore.ISN'T THAT CHEAP. and, it's tasty as well. really nice :D There is one more thing that i forgot to say. I had to tell everyone how i felt about the trip in CHINESE on the tour bus on the last day. OMG. that was v v scary. cos there were not only sec 3s but also sec 5s! yup. v embarrassing! All people who went for the trip. You should remember :D
Overall, this trip has been a really wonderful experience for me. Imagine eating one SAME dish for every meal. And sitting on the table with E1 people. and XINTAO! he's V funny. and he was like the "lao da" at that table. Not to forget Clarence. HAHAHAHA! Without him talking, his actions could make the whole table laugh already. And the after-meals visting. That means to visit other tables to crap :D haha. REMEMBER MINCHI?!?! :D. that's about it.
so, i was in the group CHENG HO! YAY! members are. er, Zijian, Ervin, Winandar, Syazwani, Coleen, Tyrus, Eugene, Sohail, Nisa, Yumi, Kimberly, Georgina, Johnny, Eddie, and the Joker, what's his name? er, duno :D
wel, learnt many things from there. ya, really many things. many many many things. ok i'm v lazyy now.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
while, many plans for going out, FAILED TERRIBLY! haha :D will try again. lol!
CHINA TRIP IS COMING IN 4 DAYS! woooooo. oh shit, 4 days, NO CLOTHES! gonna buy. WHO'S COMING WITH ME? message me if you wanna go out! to buy the clothes :D OH YA! MY NEW NUMBER. ER... 94522588! i always remember it as 94255288. wrong ok! ITS 94522588!! YUP. OK BYE
and i forgot to mention that i cut an awlful hair style. it's not ok!
AND ONE MORE THING please talk to me people. I'M V BORED!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
What if I am just trying make things back to normal?
What if I am just a complicated girl who acts as a simple girl?
What if I am just a lesbian who simply love girls?
What if I am just someone who wants to be truly loved?
What if I am just a b!tch in everyone's eyes?
What if I am just meant to give peepo take advantage?
What if I am just a fcuker?
What if I am just a emo sad lil girl?
What if I am just in need of a warmth soul to be there for me?
What if I am just so lonely and upset in things around me?
What if I am just pretending to say I am okays?
What if I am just faking a sadness?
What if I am just lying for everything especially to myself?
What if I am just so in love with you?
What if I am just too hurt to tell myself a end to it?
What if I am just a foolish girl who believes in 2nd chances?
What if I am just a jealous idiot freak?
What if I am just want you to be there for me?
What if I am just making use of you?
What if I am just not so easy as it seemed?
What if I am just going to die right in front of you now?
What if I am just in love with you again?
What if I am just trying to love you once again?
What if I am just completely given up on you?
What if I am just expressing my thoughtS?
What if I am just going crazy everything around me?
What if I am just a ordinary girl who wants things right?
What if I am just losing myself and everything?
What if I am just lying to the words I am typing?
What if I am just a insane peanut butter head?
What if I am just only caring for the way you treat me?
What if I am just treating those who care as thrash?
What if I am just faking a lame-ness?
What if I am just a girl who is mentally disorder?
What if I am just a damn big sucker?
What if I am just a crybaby?
What if I am just hiding all my emotions?
What if I am just trying to cry but I can't?
What if I am just wanting to hold your care?
What if I am just resigning to Fate?
What if I am just crying so much in the inside without anyone knowing?
What if I am just trying to entertain myself with songs?
What if I am just going all crazy by typing?
What if I am just going all haywire right now?
What if I am just needing a listening ear to accompany me?
What if What if What if What if What if?
maybe if i'm almost all of this, i won't have any friends like i do have now. yeah, maybe. f.
LETS GO OUT! bye -.-
Saturday, October 20, 2007
i went down to play soccer with my cousins. i kicked the ball and it landed on my cousin's butt. then i kicked it another time and it flew down to the carpark. "BANG!" I hit a car. omg. i ran away with my cousins. we waited for the car to go away. haha. then we picked the ball and continued playing. omg. i feel v bad. when we were playing. i kicked the ball off court and it almost hit an old lady and two guys. and i broke my toe nail. wa, pain.
i've "promised" to ttfybyaamaaydnlmne
ok that's it
Saturday, October 06, 2007
yay! i'm gonna slack all day after exams! nah. i don't think i can, study maybe. hell man.
camps and outings for the whole month for november fun! and proposal for the ug, almost finish! omg, JOY! it's more difficult than the sjab one. maybe cos i didn't do the one for sjab. and arghh. ok shan't elaborate. for the people going. i'm gonna try to ask for permission for certain people to go :D hope it'll work. JY! 3 more papers, everyone work hard man!
certain things can't be said and told to certain people. i only tell some people. so people whom i tell things to, you're important to me :D and i'm done. bye :D
Thursday, September 13, 2007
you know what? i rock! haha :D
got to go! bye.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
it's just gonna be a normal day when nothing interesting will happen. it's different from the past two years already. everything's changing but i don't care now. it doesn't matter anymore.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
i cannot believe it! 10 more days :D but i guess it won't be as surprising as it was last year. it's ok. :D
and i'm starting to study. not really going in to study just reading and flipping. hah. ok anw, good luck everyone! i'm gonna make a phone call already
Monday, August 06, 2007
movitate me ok ANYONE. better do so.
lets see. my birthday is coming! yay 32 august. don't know what to buy right? ok here's the list of WHAT I WANT :D
1)a backpack
2)a wallet
3)a basketball
4)a soccer ball
5)my kipling bag
6)something that only some people know
7)a bigger bed :D
quite demanding huh? i'll add on to it. when i think of more :D haha.
seems like the whole world knows about this matter. why?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
i'm not a monster, i'm a robot. this one. must say in my language :D
the problem is, i don't have a best friend
thing thang thung
bing bang bong
tralala, wo ai ni, come on out and play with me :D sing it.
you never FUCKING care about me.
lala. ok wadever. badmood.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
today. morning. assembly. animation thing thang thung! the instructor showed the same powerpoint that he showed to us last time. and our video was shown. well, it sure brought back some wonderful memories :D animation rocks! poa lesson. said the 1 2 3 thing again. greeted. then like that. next, recess then chinese? math then BASKETBALL! omg. so fun! v long never play already. well. didn't score any. i am lousy. i became v red like wad i was last time. IF ANY PEI HWA PEOPLE IS GONNA READ THIS! RMB HOW I LOOKED AFTER EVERY GAME ON SATURDAY? red, brown and wet. but i don't stink :D i miss basketball so much! SOMEONE PLAY WITH ME NOW! I HOPE IT WOULD BE YOU TO ASK ME PLAY. three pointer 2 times or was it one time? wa. hit the ring then bounce out. defended. and mr tan went. v good peishi v good. haha. until 224. then up to take english test. that english test. SO -.- the whole paper was comprehension. was too lazy to do the lst one. just used common sense to do it. blah. in the night, had some photo-shooting thing. wa so fun! except for the make-up part. slept next morning.
18 july
morning. had pe. HOCKEY! had a game. at first orange t-shirts+mr tan vs the others. LEADERS! hhaa :l then switched team after we scored 2. played and played i scored 1. haha! the only point for the other team. that means 2-1 :D heard from many other classes that there were injuries in their classes. BUT OURS DID NOT HAVE ANY. whoa. surprise surprise. was dripping sweat or water. cos the droplets dripping down NOT SALTY AT ALL. but i didn't pour water over my head of course. it was the natural thing. but it's just that it isn't salty. after that. WA PIANG EH. STOMACH PAIN. i assumed that there was pain cos i'm hungry -.- but the pain was, TERRIBLE! eek. had trouble standing up and sitting down. aiya, almost everything i do causes the pain. ahha. recess. blah then more lessons. slept and woke up. played with that guy's hair cos he played with mine. u ARE SO DEAD! westmall after school. ate. drew. felt V cold. see math. and home. :D i wanna sleep but i can't cos i'm not allowed to. ok byebye.
tralala, wo ai ni, come on out and play with me.
TO ANYONE! who wants to know my last words before i die, ask me :D i'll be glad to tell you. really.
and to you. the secret message to you is in my phone :D but you won't know where i put it. LOL.
this is quite a long post already huh. SO PEOPLE! I'VE UPDATED. start reading :D more people visit=more posts :D haha
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
i think you know it. but you're just acting that you don't.
i can't wait to fall in love, with you. you can't wait to fall in love, with me. this just can't be summer love.
PEOPLE TAKING THE KAYAKING TEST TOMORROW GOOD LUCK! and people going for the lesson soon. have fun! you're there to learn and have fun. so don't get into trouble. JUST BE DARING!
that girl's hot :D
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
milk run.
was suppose to meet people at a coffee shop. but in the end i was late. met them in school. got sppointed to class, 2n2. omg. wa they make my blood boil. st john is bad enough, this class, is worse. then walked around clarke quay. we had 10 more minutes to complete like 2 km or so. i guess we were too honest to walk the whole thing. MOST PEOPLE TOOK SHORT-CUTS >:( haha. after that. we took the last bus back to school. before that we were chlling out outside a restaurant. i was making a fool out of myself. then soon, isabelle join me. then togeter. we walked around playing and joking. while, it's definetely a good thing. cos we make MANY people laugh and smile. rather than having them to give the -.- look. soon. they started to do wad i was doing. the leader thing. guess i'm quite influencial huh :D it was quite embarrasing doing all those things. especially in public. but who cares :D took alot of pictures. AND that person who loves nature ALOT. went round taking photos. and asked many people to take with her. except for me. so bad right. SHE WENT TO SO MANY PEOPLE BUT NOT ME. i have the evidence. YOU ARE SO DEAD MAN. haha.
frankly speaking, it's good to see people laughing at your jokes. even people whom i don't know laugh at me. I DUNO WHAT I DID TO MAKE THEM LAUGH. haha. i was being myself and not acting out "myself" like. you know.
au revior :D
Monday, June 25, 2007
WHILE, HEAVEN'S NOT ON MY SIDE MAN! MY BILLS ARE NOT PAID. AND MY DAD WON'T PAY THEM FOR ME. FOR I DUNO WAD REASON. NOW I CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITH MY PHONE! for so long. i've saved so much messages, IN THE END. ARGHH! and connection got a HUGE ERROR. mummy! come back soon and help me :(
stupid bill. tralala.
tralala, wo ai ni, come on out and play with me :D
want the notes ask me :l
tralala :D
peishi rocks!
Can The Xylophone Laugh?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
today went for a it shopping spree. but first clothing.
went vivo city to wait for my sisters to finish tuition. my mother went into this shop called GAP. wa! the things expensive like WHOA! my mum chose pieces of long pants. one for me one for my big sister and one for her. the price tag. GUESS HOW MUCH? $89.90! for one. OMG. EXPENSIVE! siao. and bought 3.
then went to millenia walk. walked around. bought 2 ipod nanos. WA! the price was close to $500! maybe more. then went to harvey norman. bought a speaker. dno how much. then 2 mp3s! one for my ma and one for my sister. then walk and walk. THEN WE BOUGHT A LAPTOP. and adding on to insurance and stuff. wa. u should have seen the receipt. OMG. this is the first time i see my parents spending so much.
i cannot imagine how my mother shops. she goes to all those branded shops and places to buy. how much would it cost? hmm. AND ADDING ON TO THIS QUITE BIG HOUSE AND 2 CARS. wow. they're VERY RICH INDEED. i feel proud of myself :D BUT NOW I HAVE TROUBLE PUTTING SONGS INTO THE IPOD. I NOOB :( i finished those two mp3s already. put songs and blah.
sjab camp in 2 days. duno whether it'llbe a success or a failure. it'll most probably be a failure anyway -.-
still trying hard for the laptop stuff and now this computer is NOT WORKING PROPERLY. the internet server. OH PIECE OF SHIT.
whatever :D ta! wish me good luck with these electronic stuff. GOSH HAVE TO PUT SONGS FOR MY MA MY BOTH SISTERS AND THE LAPTOP. IT'LL TAKE A LONG TIME.
one question: DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS BETTER THAN ME? answer my question :D
quotes: learning without thought is labour, thought without learning is perilous :D
peishi :D
Friday, May 25, 2007
a math-f9
e math-f9
combined humanities-f9
percentage 0.0
class position 39/39
level position-185/185
weight for height indicator-severely overweight
remarks-SHE'S A MEAN GIRL.
a math-c6 :(
combined humans-e8
art-b4 joy!
not continuing the rest. BUT MY LVL OMG V V V V HAPPY!
from 121/190 to 69/185
i got joy joy joy joy down in my heart,down in my heart,down in my heart,
i got joy joy joy joy down in my heart,down in my heart today :D
aem course :D i got a prize too. LUCK IS WITH ME! haha.
peishi :D
Monday, May 21, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
they host a meeting without thinking of whether i'll be in the meeting or not. and when i told them i could not make it. they just said: "is mdm chan say one. i duno ah." WTH? if i were you. i would go to mdm chan and change the date to a date suitable for ALL of us to meet up. EVEN IF I WERE TO GET SCOLDED. what's the point of having a big rank in sjab now? NO POINT OK?! no one repects the fact that i'm having the big post and u'll have to listen to me. and guess wad. what i have to do for my post. ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY BY SOMEONE ELSE. AND WTF DO I DO? nothing. i'll briefly tell u wad i do in sjab. first, fall in. then training. first aid and foot drills. i only get to train foot drills. and i train those not up to standard and all those not good but ok kinda people. AND SOME PEOPLE GET THOSE BEST AMONG THE SQUAD ONE. omg. I DON'T CARE IF ANY SENIORS LOOKS AT THIS NOW! the proposal for camp. I'VE NO RIGHT TO CLAIM CREDITS FOR IT. COS I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO IT. while i did write some comments. BUT THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO MY COMMENTS. waste my time. i'm not saying i hate everyone in sjab now and i hate sjab. I SAID THAT BECAUSE I WAS TOO PISS. if i chose this cca myself, i would have to agree to wadever rules and wadever i have to do. SO YEAH! actually i typed more than this, BUT STUPID COMPUTER. GOT INTERNET ERROR. THEN ALL BYEBYE. if not all the anger i have inside u guys will see. DAMN WHY ALL GONE? maybe the computer doesn't want me to post them. OK FINE. i will forgive and forget NOW AND AGAIN.
all i ever wanted was for you to care. thanks huldah and cheryl for letting me VENT MY ANGER.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
i realised for papers i didn't study so hard for, i scored ok. like physics. i didn't study for it. dont say i bluff. BECAUSE i lost my physics textbook the day before the exam. HOW ON EARTH AM I SUPPOSE TO STUDY? yes, ten year series. but i didn't look at it. just scanned. while. WA LAO EH. nvm. i deserve these grades.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
straight after the last paper, headed down to wm. ate breakfast. then went back to school. saw people walking out and it seemed quite weird. because people are walking out and we are going in -.- played basketball. THE FEELING'S BACK PEOPLE! then when we playing. mr ong anf mr ow came to join us. they play well ok :D seriously, didn't know they play basketball. then went for aem course. at first BORING. then eventually it turned out quite well and interesting. then when back to school. from school rushed to tuition. at tuition. wa teacher siao. because i wearing school uniform. then she kept saying. "WA! WEAR SKIRT! FIRST TIME SEE! MUST SEE MORE OF YOU TODAY" HAHA. then yaafter tuition. waiting for my mum. her tenant came out. then we chat. mum came. and they say something ridiculous. not gonna post wad they say later u guys say i bhb. want to know then ask me. then they say my complexion good. f. they're like suaning me. can't you look like my legs as well as hands. can't you see the countless number of scars i have? aiyo -.- i think my skin is some stupid sensitive thing. even from a misquito bite. can become scar. RIDICULOUS. it's ok. i'm born with it. so i'm satisfied with it. be happy with wad u got now :D regardless whether it's good or bad. don't ask me why i become like this. ok nvm. i say. it's because last year. i think i had been a really. emo and idiotic and irritating kid. i hated myself and all. so i decided that this year, it'll be better. so even if any unhappy things happen, i'll look on the bright side. UNLESS. SOMETHING BAD REALLY COCKS UP. if SOMETHING REALLY MAKES ME PISS OFF. GUESS HOW ANGRY WILL I BE. U'LL NEVER IMAGINE. cos usually, i'll REN. those who know how long i have ren-ed :D haha. yuup
aem course on mondays wednesdays and fridays.
OH YA, AND GREAT I SPRAINED MY LEG. how did i get this sprain. art paper. i jumped down 5 steps. omg. that one. DUNO WAD I THINKING SIA. i was thinking of jumping two by two steps. in the end, i from 5 steps jump down. wa. the pain lasted for 1 sec. then gone. after i go home. wa. pain. went to sleep. next morning. wa suck. i forgot to take something, then i run back to the house. when i ran out. wa. twist my leg. OH MY F. IT'S LIKE END OF THE WORLD PAIN. no better. haha. WA! omg. then came home, WA ONE BIG BUN DOWN THERE. sai.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
at what time do you go to sleep?-see first. mug mug.
how many times have you spoken french?- none.
have you ever drunk milk straight out of the carton?- i think so.
have you ever won a spelling bee?- nope.
how fast can you type?- see lor.
are you afraid of the dark?- no. sometimes maybe.
eye colour?- brown. want see. come to my eye. :D
the worst ex you've had?- don't have one before :D hah. wrong question to ask -.-
do you miss anyone?- ya la.
are you drinking anything right now?- my saliva.
can you hoola hoop?- ya.
are you good at keeping secrets?- ya la then?
what do you want for christmas?- stuff lor.
do you know the muffin man?- yes. the man who makes muffins.
do you talk in your sleep?- no.
who wrote the book of love?- wad that?
have you ever flown a kite?- YES!
do you consider yourself successful?- no. obviously.
how many people are on your contact list on your cellphone?- not sure. dont bother to count.
have you ever asked for a pony?- no.
plans for tomorrow?- have exams. come back for tuition.
how are you feeling today?- happy, tired. moodless.
are you happy?- indeed.
what are you looking forward to?- mid year to finish. o'ls to finish better :D
have you crawled through a window?- yes :D
have you ever eaten dog food?- no.
can you handle the truth?- AH NA! THEN?
do you like green eggs and ham?- green eggs? ham=NICE.
what 3 things you always bring with you place to place?- ezlink card money :D myself.
do you like or have a crush on someone right now?- duno.
how many kids do you plan to have?- too far away.
what do you do when no one is watching?- lets see. not sure. alot sia :D bathe. no one watch me bathing.
do you talk to yourself?- i think so.
is there something you want that you cant have?- yes, freedom and courage.
three physical features of the opposite sex you first notice?- no idea. i dont notice them :D
who are you thinking about right now?- why must i tell you? haha.
who did you last hug?- siao. isabelle or germaine.
where is your phone?- in front of the computer.
what was the last thing you ate?- dinner.
who was the last person who made you cry?- how i know? when was the last i cried?
what is your favourite colour?- black, green? duno.
what was the last movie you watched?- no idea.
what song are you listening now?- 987 fm!
what do you want to do now?- i want to skip studying math and go to sleep.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
to people studying hard: you may think you're studying hard, but it's just not enough for the exams :D so u'll have to study harder than hard. meaning have to study more than what you're studying now. based on my analysasion :D i don't even know whether got that kinda word or not haha.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
anyway. i realise whatever i say, there'll be someone copying and trying to act 伟大. OMG. STOP THAT DAMN BEHEAVIOUR MAN!
i'm gradually beginning to hate sjab. not because of wad's happening in it. but the people in it. i guess the camp proposal will be done well even without my help. WTH, THEY never even ask for my opinions. and seriously, i think the proposal is COPIED from our past seniors. wad's the point of even doing it. just take the previous proposal LA! not pin-pointing anyone. and i apologise for not contributing to the proposal. editing it the way i want. SORRY LA!
wadever la. BYE. no one knows what i'm truly thinking about.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
WHY DON'T YOU JUST STRIP ME OFF EVERY RIGHT I HAVE IN SJAB. JUST TAKE EVERYTHING I HAVE. i know i don't make a good leader in sjab. so i'll just let you guys do EVERYTHING. and i'll just be a bitch and follow everything you guys say. even if the camp is with scout. can also. you don't have to not combine with them cos i say i don't wanna be with them. just plan the camp lor. everything about the camp, you can plan ANYTHING YOU WANT. even if it is torturing them till they die. OR playing with them. since you guys want the post so much. TAKE IT. just STRIP IT OFF FROM ME. have been enduring with ALL OF YOU in silence for a very long time. FINE. too nice right. take advantage. can also. just do WADEVER YOU GUYS WANT. training the juniors in a CRAZY AND IDIOTIC AND WAD EVERYONE WILL HATE METHOD. use it. i have no right to stop you. since it is doing sjab good. BUT DON'T YOU THINK IT'S SO RIDICULOUS. for just one small thing, you have to make up such a big fuss about it. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. NO ONE IS PERFECT RIGHT? anyway, i'm not into sjab like i used to be last time already.what's the point of only having one person being enthu in the group? and juniors not listening. YOU THINK I LIKE IT UH? although i still put up a smile. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WAD I AM THINKING INSIDE ME. AND TO SOME BOASTFUL SENIORS. deosn't mean you are bigger than us in age makes you bigger than us in sjab. WE HAVE THE SAME RANK OK. and you don't even deserve your rank. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING. and although you have fought with a gangster before. THAT WAS HOW LONG AGO? EXCUSE ME. YOU STILL HAVE TO RESPECT THE SJAB UNIFORM. going out under the sun without your beret on. SO WAD IF IT'S SMALL. NO SUCH EXCUSE -.-
i have no idea wad i have just typed. kinda piss about this thing for A VERY LONG TIME. NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT. well i'm right. NO ONE TRULY UNDERSTANDS ME.
fuck it.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
my younger sister. that time we went to far east flora queensway, she wlaked next to me and grab my hand. haha. i asked her to let go. guess wad she said? she said:"i like you more then i like da jie." haha. SO TOUCHED!
cheryl. on msn. i think she said she dont like me to train her. cos i'm not strict. LIKE OMG WHEN I HEARD IT. me, NOT STRICT. fine, don't train lor. like it's easy to. haha. NEXT TIME, I'LL SHOW YOU ALL MY TRUE COLOURS.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
i made you all not have a medal. last year, i ran then blah blah became leading team then slowly became 2nd OMG! this year, from 3rd place to last place! OMG. if that last place didn't come in, i think we'll at least be in the top 4 :( SORRY GUYS! i'll DO MY BEST for 4 times 100m alright! HOORAYYY. we'll win something from there. hopefully.
CONGRATS to those winning teams. WE'LL BE BACK NEXT YEAR :D
really regretted drinking all those fizzy drinks when i was young, IF NOT FOR THEM I WOULD NOT HAVE ASTHMA LA! blame myself for it lorrr. I think, without this fu*king "illness" I'LL BE ABLE TO DO WHATEVER I LIKE! i can join a sports cca, i can erm. RUN V FAST WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF HAVING AN ATTACK, PASS MY NAPHA TEST WITH AN A! JUST MANY MANY THINGS. sometimes, it's really embarrassing when people see my inhaler and exclaim " HUH?!YOU GOT ASTHMA UH?" like v wad la. it's not like AIYA. haha. ASTHMA SUCKS :D AND TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK USING THAT INHALER IS COOL AND HAVING ASTHMA IS COOL TOO, THINK TWICE :D
MY TEAM ROCKS! BETTER THAN THE ONE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. i miss playing basketbal! someone GIVE ME A BASKETBALL SO I CAN PLAY AT HOME. a soccer ball too so i can kick it at home. I'M FUCKING BORED AT HOME EVERYDAY! bye :D
Monday, March 19, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
went to tszting's house to grab her stuff. then to my house to grab my stuff. then go to westmall to grab stuff. then to school. and waited for everyone to arrive then board the bus to go to newtown for sjab camp. can you imagine? straight after school u have to rush all the way down to dover for camp. so tiring.
was surprised that only 4 schools attended the camp. queensway, zhonghua, canberra and dunearn. surprisingly, dunearn brought the least number of sec 1s but the most number of ncos. 4 sec 1s and 3 ncos for one school. and the rest. more than 5 sec ones and only 1 nco. splitted up into 4 groups. was appointed to be the nco for group c, Charlie. i expect them to be so hyper. i guess if i didn't tell them to scream and shout we'll be the slackiest group there. ended up, we became the best group. we took like only 45 minutes to bond the whole group while the rest of the groups took like 1 day or 2? glad we bonded quick, if not. i'll die in that group. this camp was great. because.
1)among all the sjab camps, this one had the best food.
2)we could slack in the camp.
3)we hardly got scolded in the camp.
4)we did not have to eat everything up.
the total strength for my group. hmm. 9? group members were.
1)Shawna (she's a girl) i had difficulty saying her name till the last day. from zhonghua
2)Wen Zhong
there was one of these girls, yuting. SUCKING UP TO ME ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE CAMP. darn irritating --.- when it came to building something as a team, she was always wanting to do EVERYTHING. just to get my attention. whenever we had to sit as a group she would aways want to sit beside me. and is there was someone else. she would ask the person to move over. GOT REALLY IRRITATED LA. haha. then i keep asking gerald to come with me. and she asked me, why you always with him? then i said. OHH. cos his mother ask me to take care of him. that's why. AND THAT WAS TRUE.
quite happy that on the second half of the second day she left me. YAY.
continue another day
overall camp was fun :D haha.
14-15 was the trip to bintan. while, first overseas trip with friends. was quite a fun trip. had many first times :D the stars in the night were beautiful. jpl. WA V ACT. one word to describe only. ACTION. kns. like thinking he's a professional or something. haha. though it was only 2 days, fun la :D knew alot of new people. haha. christine fell off a sofa when they all saw a cockroach. she hurt her ass. haha. and she lost her voice too. LOL. got alot of mosquito bites. so itchyyy! haha.
got my hair cut. OMG I LOOK LIKE A . I DUNO HOW TO DESCRIBE. haha. i still have my sides so i dun really look like a guy, YAYNESS. haha. wanna see it, on monday. haha. now, only germaine elina tszting and sabrina have seen only.haha. :D while, see u guys on monday!
byebye :D
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
just realised that i'm being disliked in school. don't ask why.
when i talk, say i talk too much, when i don't talk. think something wrong with me -.- so just shut up lor?
am i making too big sacrifices for some things? making them but people won't appreciate them. what's the point. STOP IT PEISHI. sorry, just disappointed from thing i heard, which are true.
same old brand new you
I can still remember the time you were there when i needed to hold you, feel you
Every time i ask you to find a new way, you lie a new way
Is it gone gone gone gone gone
You'll chance you'll never chance, you're never never gonna keep your promises
You said you'd change but i'm afraid, it's something i won't live to see,
It seems so strange ,that sometimes fate,
Can appear to be so real and yet turn out to be a fantasy,
Same old line, one more time,
Say you're gonna be, there for me,
Say you'll change, change your ways,
Never gonna keep your promises,
Same old game, (you know it doesn't turn me on)
Brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
No more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone gone gone gone gone)
Another night another day,
What can i say, you're still the same old brand new you
You break your promises in two,
What can i do, when you're the same old brand new you
You'll change you'll never change, you're never never gonna keep your promises
Because of you, i guess we're through, is this the way it has to be,
I've been a fool (i've been a fool),
A fool for you (a fool for you)
But i've got better things to do then let you walk all over me
Same old line, one more time,
Say you're gonna be, there for me,
Say you'll change, change your ways,
Never gonna keep your promises,
Same old game, (you know it doesn't turn me on)
Brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
No more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone gone gone gone gone)
Chorus repeat
I can still remember the time you were there when i needed to hold you, feel you
Every time i ask you to find a new way, you lie a new way
Is it gone gone gone gone gone
You'll change you'll never change,you're never never gonna keep your promises
You'll change you'll never change,you're never never gonna keep your promises
Same old line, one more time,
Say you're gonna be, there for me,
Say you'll change, change your ways,
Never gonna keep your promises,
Same old game, (you know it doesn't turn me on)
Brand new day (you're singing that same old song)
No more lies (if you don't wanna find me gone gone gone gone gone)
No More
You say your gonna work it out
Then I see your having doubts
Tellin' me you'll walk away
But then you go and stay
You're callin' me day and night
Sayin' He don't treat you right
Then you always turn round and give one more try
Baby you know it isn't fair
You expect me to be there
But we never get nowhere
I got one foot out the door
I don't wanna hear 'bout him no more
I'll make a long story short
Time to make up you're mind girl
No more back and forth I don't wanna hear 'bout him no more
If i'm not what you want
I don't wanna hear no more
stop tellin'n me you need more time
Tired of the same old line
better make a move or you are gonna find
I ain't taking it,
Cos you know it's wrong
Better let him know or it's time to go, you're moving on
Baby you know how close I am to being gone
Waited on you long enoughI can only take so much
Tell me if I have you're heart
I got one foot out the door
I don't wanna hear 'bout him no more
I'll make a long story (no,no) short
Time to make up you're mind girl
no more back and (oh, oh, oh) Forth
If I'm not what you want
I don't wanna hear no more
I don't wanna hear no more
If you're sure that you really love me
I don't wanna hear no more
Out the doorif you still don't know
I've been there for you and you know it's true
You belong with me, what you gonna do
I don't wanna hear no more
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Alright, yeah, Yeah
Wondering the streets, in a world underneath it all
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you
Oh I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
and cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
Forgive me if I st-stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar,
I've crossed you in hallways a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall
Oh I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood, I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room I would
That's what I'd do, that's what I'd do, that's what I'd do to get through to you, yeah
Muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
yeah :D
Thursday, January 11, 2007
POA IS A CONFIRM FAILURE, THE TEACHER IS NOT EVEN TEACHING? how do you expect us to do the worksheet when u don't even teach the chapter? lets say out of 5 chapters, you teach two only. and the rest? self-study or you just teach without us understanding. WTH. and the relief teacher is only coming to our class to give us the worksheet. WHAT CRAP!
and HAVE YOUR OWN SENSE OR ORIGINALITY PEOPLE! stop copying what people say and do and YA JUST STOP COPYING. IT'S IRRITATING. ARGHH! want to know what i'm trying to say? read chapter 1 of the life accents 3a. looking good feeling good.
piss and irritated. bye.
i've changed, seriously.if you don't feel that way and you don't see it, so be it. i don't wana care anymore.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
hmm. I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I'M GONNA FAIL MY MATH, POA, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. while all of them are just soooo difficult to study and understand. i'm trying. perhaps i'm not, maybe i think i am but i'm not. I'LL TRY! i've change but some people can't see it. haha.
Sunday, January 07, 2007

these pictures are drawn during a conversation on. i forgot. cute huh. haha. whatever -.-
i becoming stupid-er already. real stupid. dno why. but ya. v stupid lor. that's all la. i dno what to type also -.- I AM STUPID. aiya. math that is suppose to be like so easy, i cannot do them -.- it's like SUPER EASY LAAA. but i duno how to do. just realise i am suppose to study harder this time, AND I STILL DON'T HAVE THAT PUSH YET? someone PUSH ME NOW! if not i'm gonna be the last in class ): aiya! bye.
Friday, January 05, 2007

this picture. not bad huh. was introduced to it on art lesson.
today was cca promotion day, while guess what i'll comment about it? IT SUCKS ALRIGHT? like what like that. some inconsiderate people. tskkk. talking half-way u do not have to interrupt you know? AND WE DIDN'T TALK ABOUT YOUR CCA, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY THAT WE SUCK OR SOMETHING RIGHT? come on la. would you like to hear people like saying your cca sucks? like example we promoting our cca, then suddenly someone walks past you and says: " ST.JOHN SUCKS LA, DON'T JOIN". LIKE KNS CAN?
to get people to join your cca, you don't have to talk about others what. i admit that i say some stuff about others but those are true facts wadd. if i tell you all those facts, you all will somewhat agree can? u don't have to say we suck WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING?
i'm not trying to say that st.john is the best but i'm just trying to say that, come on la. although we are small we have our strong points also right? like if sports day or what someone got cramp, we'll help treat people waddd. small then small la. some big ccas canot communicate well too
and excuse me, you are like the head.SO WHAT? big deal uh? don't have to laugh at us right? like hazizah's hand, it's like a fake wound you don't have to exagerrate and say " St.John cannot even treat themselves how they treat other people?" YOU KNOW THAT WAS LKE WANTING ME TO KILL YOU ALRIGHT?
Monday, January 01, 2007
someone said i was suppose to be a boy when he looked at my baby photo. KNS. EXCUSE ME. I AM A GIRL. look at me. haha!
HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE! it's a new year. and new year is suppose to be a new year. and when u're in a new year. u're suppose to be new. haha. NONSENSE RIGHT? COS I DUNO WHAT I'M TYPING.